한국의 민간신앙 Korean Popular Beliefs
ISBN 9788962971637
Language English
N. of Pages 250쪽
Size/Weight 153 * 225 * 20 mm
Author/Editor 이용범 , 이경엽 , 최종성 , Boudewijn Walraven
Publisher 지문당
Date of Publication 2015년 02월 27일
Country of Origin Korea
ISBN 9788962971637
Language English
N. of Pages 250쪽
Size/Weight 153 * 225 * 20 mm
Author/Editor 이용범 , 이경엽 , 최종성 , Boudewijn Walraven
Publisher 지문당
Date of Publication 2015년 02월 27일
Country of Origin Korea
ISBN 9788962971637
Language English
N. of Pages 250쪽
Size/Weight 153 * 225 * 20 mm
Author/Editor 이용범 , 이경엽 , 최종성 , Boudewijn Walraven
Publisher 지문당
Date of Publication 2015년 02월 27일
Country of Origin Korea
책 소개
이 책은 한국 민간신앙의 일반적 모습과 아울러 그것의 역사적 변화와 현재 상황을 충분히 드러내고자 하였다. 또한 한국의 민간신앙이 다른 종교와 구분되지 않고 상호 관계 속에서 존재해 온 역사적 측면을 고려해 이 책은 한국 민간신앙의 각 유형에 대한 개별적 접근보다는, 민간신앙과 타종교, 민간신앙과 한국인의 삶, 민간신앙 각 유형 간의 상관성에 관심을 기울이고자 하였다. 이를 통해 한국인의 삶과 문화에서 차지하는 한국 민간신앙의 위상과 의미를 밝히고 있다.
출판사 서평
오늘날에도 한국 민간신앙의 한 유형인 무당은 그 수가 줄어들지 않고 있으며 여전히 많은 사람들이 무당을 찾아가 무속 의례인 굿을 행하고 있다. 한국 민간신앙 중 무속 신앙이나 점복 신앙, 풍수신앙은 시대의 변화에 적응하면서 여전히 존속하고 있다. 즉 오늘날에도 한국 민간신앙은 한국인의 의미 세계의 한 부분으로서 삶에 문제가 생겼을 때 여전히 사람들의 판단과 행동에 영향을 미치고 있다. 이런 상황을 반영해 이 책은 전통문화의 상징이나 원형의 측면에서 한국 민간신앙에 접근하지 않는다. 그러한 측면을 인정하면서도 살아있는 종교현상으로서의 현재적 측면에 관심을 갖는다. 이런 의도에서 이 책은 한국 민간신앙의 일반적 모습과 아울러 그것의 역사적 변화와 현재 상황을 충분히 드러내고자 하였다. 또한 한국의 민간신앙이 다른 종교와 구분되지 않고 상호 관계 속에서 존재해 온 역사적 측면을 고려해 이 책은 한국 민간신앙의 각 유형에 대한 개별적 접근보다는, 민간신앙과 타종교, 민간신앙과 한국인의 삶, 민간신앙 각 유형 간의 상관성에 관심을 기울이고자 하였다. 이를 통해 한국인의 삶과 문화에서 차지하는 한국 민간신앙의 위상과 의미를 밝히고 있다.
The book introduction
In addition to the general appearance of Korean folk beliefs, this book attempted to fully reveal their historical changes and current circumstances. In addition, this book attempted to pay attention to the correlation between folk beliefs and other religions, the lives of Koreans, and each type of folk beliefs, rather than an individual approach to each type of Korean folk beliefs, in consideration of the historical aspects that Korean folk beliefs have existed in interrelationships without distinction from other religions. Through this, the status and meaning of Korean folk beliefs in the lives and culture of Koreans are revealed.
A book review of a publishing company
Even today, the number of shamans, a type of Korean folk belief, is not decreasing, and many people visit shamans to perform exorcism, a shamanic ritual. Among Korean folk beliefs, shamanic beliefs, fortune-telling beliefs, and feng shui beliefs still survive as they adapt to the changes of the times. In other words, even today, Korean folk beliefs are a part of the meaning world of Koreans and still affect people's judgments and actions when there is a problem in life. Reflecting this situation, this book does not approach Korean folk beliefs in terms of symbols or archetypes of traditional culture. While acknowledging that aspect, I am interested in the present aspect as a living religious phenomenon. This book attempted to fully reveal the general appearance of Korean folk beliefs, its historical changes, and the current situation. In addition, this book attempted to pay attention to the correlation between private beliefs and other religions, life of Koreans, and each type of folk beliefs rather than an individual approach to each type of Korean folk beliefs. Through this, the status and meaning of Korean folk beliefs in the lives and culture of Koreans are revealed.
Table of Contents
Understanding Korean Popular Beliefs - Yi, Yong Bhum
Part I. Categories of Korean Popular Beliefs
Village Beliefs - Lee, Kyung Yup
Family Popular Beliefs - Choi, Jong Seong
Shamanism - Yi, Yong Bhum
Geomantic Beliefs - Lee, Kyung Yup
Beliefs in Divination - Choi, Jong Seong
Part II. Thematic Approaches to Korean Popular Beliefs
Religious Syncretism and Popular Beliefs - Choi, Jong Seong
Divinities of Korean Popular Beliefs - Yi, Yong Bhum
The Current State and Changes of Popular Beliefs - Lee, Kyung Yup
The History of Korean Folk Beliefs and Popular Religion - Boudewijn Walraven
Publisher book reviews
There are shamans, known as mudang in Korean, who serve as priests in shamanic ceremonies, and the number of shamans never becomes smaller. Today, many people still resort to shamanist rituals known as kut in Korean to settle their problems. as family beliefs or village beliefs have gradually been weakening, but Korean popular beliefs still have their place, in shamanism, in divination, and in geomancy, adapting to changes of the times. In other words, even now popular beliefs are still part of the meaningful world of the Koreans, influencing their judgment and behavior when they are in trouble. From this viewpoint, this book intends to demonstrate the general aspects of Korean popular beliefs and also shed light on their historical changes and present conditions.
Korean popular beliefs do not remain separated from Korean lives or other religions such as Buddhism, Confucianism, and Christianity, but related to them. Considering such aspects of Korean popular beliefs, this book focuses on the correlation between Korean popular beliefs and other religions, between Korean popular beliefs and the lives of the Koreans, and between types of Korean popular beliefs rather than each type of Korean popular beliefs in isolation. This way, the book aims to identify the status and meaning that Korean religious beliefs have in Korean lives and culture.
une introduction au livre
Outre l'apparence générale des croyances populaires coréennes, ce livre a tenté de révéler pleinement leurs changements historiques et leur situation actuelle. De plus, ce livre tentait de prêter attention à la corrélation entre les croyances populaires et les autres religions, à la vie des Coréens et à chaque type de croyances populaires, plutôt qu'à une approche individuelle de chaque type de croyances populaires coréennes. compte tenu des aspects historiques que les croyances populaires coréennes ont existé dans des relations interpersonnelles sans distinction des autres religions. Par ce biais, le statut et la signification des croyances populaires coréennes dans la vie et la culture des Coréens sont révélés.
une critique de livres d'une maison d'édition
Aujourd'hui encore, le nombre de chamans, une sorte de croyance populaire coréenne, ne diminue pas, et beaucoup de gens visitent les chamans pour pratiquer l'exorcisme, un rituel chamanique. Parmi les croyances populaires coréennes, les croyances chamaniques, les croyances révélatrices de bonne aventure et les croyances feng shui survivent à mesure qu'elles s'adaptent aux changements d'époque. En d'autres termes, même aujourd'hui, les croyances populaires coréennes font partie du monde signifiant des Coréens et affectent encore les jugements et les actions des gens lorsqu'il y a un problème dans la vie. Reflétant cette situation, ce livre n'aborde pas les croyances populaires coréennes en termes de symboles ou d'archétypes de la culture traditionnelle. Tout en reconnaissant cet aspect, je m'intéresse à l'aspect actuel en tant que phénomène religieux vivant. Ce livre tente de révéler pleinement l'apparence générale des croyances populaires coréennes, ses changements historiques et la situation actuelle. De plus, ce livre tentait de prêter attention à la corrélation entre les croyances privées et les autres religions, à la vie des Coréens et à chaque type de croyances populaires plutôt qu'à une approche individuelle de chaque type de croyances populaires coréennes. Par ce biais, le statut et la signification des croyances populaires coréennes dans la vie et la culture des Coréens sont révélés.