아랍인을 위한 알짜 한국어 1 : Korean for Arabic Speakers 1
ISBN 9788955185683
Language Korean, Arabic
N. of Pages 264쪽
Size/Weight 188 * 257 * 20 mm / 704 g
Author/Editor 권현숙, 변웅걸
Publisher Hangulpark
Date of Publication 2019년 09월 21일
Country of Origin Korea
ISBN 9788955185683
Language Korean, Arabic
N. of Pages 264쪽
Size/Weight 188 * 257 * 20 mm / 704 g
Author/Editor 권현숙, 변웅걸
Publisher Hangulpark
Date of Publication 2019년 09월 21일
Country of Origin Korea
ISBN 9788955185683
Language Korean, Arabic
N. of Pages 264쪽
Size/Weight 188 * 257 * 20 mm / 704 g
Author/Editor 권현숙, 변웅걸
Publisher Hangulpark
Date of Publication 2019년 09월 21일
Country of Origin Korea
『아랍인을 위한 알짜 한국어』시리즈 두 번째인 『아랍인을 위한 알짜 한국어 1』은 ‘첫걸음’에서 익힌 한글을 바탕으로 하여 본격적으로 한국어를 학습할 수 있도록 설계한 초급 단계의 교재입니다.
1과 ‘인사’를 시작으로 한국어를 처음 배우면서 익혀야 하는 주제를 선정하여 총 12과로 구성하였습니다.
교재 구성은 대화를 중심으로 필요한 문법과 어휘 및 표현을 익히고 그것을 활용하여 기능별 활동을 이어갈 수 있도록 하였습니다.
1. 과별로 대화1▶문법▶어휘/표현▶듣고 말하기/듣고 쓰기▶대화2▶문법▶어휘/표현▶읽고 말하기/읽고 쓰기▶발음▶자기 평가▶과제▶문화 산책▶받아쓰기 순서로 구성하였다.
2. ‘대화1?2’는 설정된 등장인물이 주제에 따라 다양한 상황을 대화로 보여 주고, 이를 ‘듣고 말하기/듣고 쓰기’, ‘읽고 말하기/읽고 쓰기’로 기능별 연습을 할 수 있도록 구성하였다.
3. 기능별 연습에 제시된 텍스트가 기존 교재에 비해 분량이 조금 많거나 수준이 다소 높아 보일 수 있다.
이는 학습자의 눈높이에 맞추어 다양한 정보를 제공하고, 이를 주제와 내용에 따라 활용할 수 있도록 마련한 것이다.
『Real Korean for Arabs 1』, the second in the 『Real Korean for Arabs』 series, is a beginner-level textbook designed to learn Korean in earnest based on the Korean language learned in the ‘First Step’.
Beginning with Lesson 1, ‘Greetings’, we selected topics to learn while learning Korean for the first time, and consisted of a total of 12 lessons.
The structure of the textbook is designed so that students can learn necessary grammar, vocabulary, and expressions centered on conversation, and use them to continue functional activities.
1. Each section consists of Conversation 1 ▶ Grammar ▶ Vocabulary / Expression ▶ Listening and Speaking / Listening and Writing ▶ Conversation 2 ▶ Grammar ▶ Vocabulary / Expression ▶ Reading and Speaking / Reading and Writing ▶ Pronunciation ▶ Self-assessment ▶ Tasks ▶ Cultural Walk ▶ Dictation.
2. ‘Conversation 1? 2’ is structured so that the set characters show various situations as conversations according to the subject, and they can practice by function with ‘listening and speaking/listening and writing’ and ‘reading and speaking/reading and writing’.
3. The texts presented in the exercise by function may seem a little longer or of a slightly higher level than the existing textbooks.
This is to provide various information according to the level of learners and to utilize it according to the subject and content.
『Real Korean for Arabs 1』, the second in the 『Real Korean for Arabs』 series, is a beginner-level textbook designed to learn Korean in earnest based on the Korean language learned in the ‘First Step’.
Beginning with Lesson 1, ‘Greetings’, we selected topics to learn while learning Korean for the first time, and consisted of a total of 12 lessons.
The structure of the textbook is designed so that students can learn necessary grammar, vocabulary, and expressions centered on conversation, and use them to continue functional activities.
1. Each section consists of Conversation 1 ▶ Grammar ▶ Vocabulary / Expression ▶ Listening and Speaking / Listening and Writing ▶ Conversation 2 ▶ Grammar ▶ Vocabulary / Expression ▶ Reading and Speaking / Reading and Writing ▶ Pronunciation ▶ Self-assessment ▶ Tasks ▶ Cultural Walk ▶ Dictation.
2. ‘Conversation 1? 2’ is structured so that the set characters show various situations as conversations according to the subject, and they can practice by function with ‘listening and speaking/listening and writing’ and ‘reading and speaking/reading and writing’.
3. The texts presented in the exercise by function may seem a little longer or of a slightly higher level than the existing textbooks.
This is to provide various information according to the level of learners and to utilize it according to the subject and content.