아랍인을 위한 알짜 한국어 첫걸음 A Real First Step in Korean for Arabs
ISBN 9788955185676
Language Korean
N. of Pages 148쪽
Size/Weight 189 * 258 * 10 mm / 421 g
Author/Editor 권현숙 , 변웅걸
Publisher Hangulpark
Date of Publication 2018년 05월 21일
Country of Origin Korea
ISBN 9788955185676
Language Korean
N. of Pages 148쪽
Size/Weight 189 * 258 * 10 mm / 421 g
Author/Editor 권현숙 , 변웅걸
Publisher Hangulpark
Date of Publication 2018년 05월 21일
Country of Origin Korea
ISBN 9788955185676
Language Korean
N. of Pages 148쪽
Size/Weight 189 * 258 * 10 mm / 421 g
Author/Editor 권현숙 , 변웅걸
Publisher Hangulpark
Date of Publication 2018년 05월 21일
Country of Origin Korea
『알짜 한국어』는 아랍어와 한국어의 유사점과 차이점을 고려하여 학습자가 한국어를 배우면서 어려워하는 점을 최대한 반영한 아랍인을 위한 맞춤 한국어 교재 시리즈다.
‘첫걸음편’에서는 한글의 특징을 정확하게 이해하고, 한글 자모를 완벽하게 읽고 쓸 수 있도록 연습할 수 있다. 또 한국어 학습 초기에 겪을 수 있는 어려움을 최소화하도록 하여 즐겁게 한국어를 배울 수 있도록 구성하였다
The second part of the "Fake Korean for Arabs" series, "Fake Korean for Arabs 1," is a beginner-level textbook designed to learn Korean in earnest based on Hangul learned in "The First Step." Starting with Lesson 1 "Greeting," we selected the topics that we should learn while learning Korean for the first time and organized a total of 12 chapters. For the composition of the textbook, we learned the necessary grammar, vocabulary, and expression based on conversation, and used it to continue activities by function.
1. Conversation 1 ▶ grammar ▶ vocabulary/expression ▶ listening/listening/writing ▶ conversation 2 ▶ grammar ▶ vocabulary/expression ▶ reading/reading/writing ▶ pronunciation ▶ self-evaluation ▶ task ▶ cultural walk ▶ dictation order.
2. "Dialogue 1?" is organized so that the set character can show various situations according to the topic as a conversation, and practice each function with "listening/talking/listening/writing" and "reading/reading/writing."
3. The text presented in the exercise by function may seem a little larger or a little higher than the existing textbook. This is designed to provide various information according to the learner's eye level and to use it according to the subject and content
La deuxième partie de la série "Fake Korean for Arabes", "Fake Korean for Arabs 1", est un manuel de niveau débutant conçu pour apprendre le coréen sérieusement basé sur Hangangang appris dans "The First Step". En commençant par la leçon 1 "Greetting", nous avons sélectionné les sujets que nous devrions apprendre tout en apprenant le coréen pour la première fois et organisé 12 chapitres. Pour la composition du manuel, nous avons appris la grammaire, le vocabulaire et l'expression nécessaires en fonction de la conversation et nous l'avons utilisé pour poursuivre les activités par fonction.
1.Conversation 1 ▶ grammaire ▶ vocabulaire/expression ▶ écoute/expression/écriture ▶ conversation 2 ▶ grammaire ▶ vocabulaire/expression ▶ lecture/lecture/écriture ▶ prononciation ▶ auto-évaluation ▶ tâche ▶ marche culturelle ▶ ordre de dictée.
2. « Dialogue 1 ? » est organisé de façon à ce que le personnage de l'ensemble puisse montrer différentes situations selon le sujet en tant que conversation et pratiquer chaque fonction avec « écoute/parler/écoute/écriture » et « lecture/lecture/écriture ».
3. Le texte présenté dans l'exercice par fonction peut sembler un peu plus grand ou un peu plus élevé que le manuel existant. Il s'agit de fournir diverses informations en fonction du niveau des yeux de l'apprenant et de les utiliser en fonction du sujet et du contenu