아몬드 Almendra (Spanish/Español)


ISBN 9788499989082

Language Spanish

N. of Pages 256쪽

Size/Weight 140 * 215 * 15 mm / 170 g

Author/Editor Won-Pyung Sohn

Translator Sunme Yoon

Publisher Booket

Date of Publication 2022년


ISBN 9788499989082

Language Spanish

N. of Pages 256쪽

Size/Weight 140 * 215 * 15 mm / 170 g

Author/Editor Won-Pyung Sohn

Translator Sunme Yoon

Publisher Booket

Date of Publication 2022년

ISBN 9788499989082

Language Spanish

N. of Pages 256쪽

Size/Weight 140 * 215 * 15 mm / 170 g

Author/Editor Won-Pyung Sohn

Translator Sunme Yoon

Publisher Booket

Date of Publication 2022년

Sinopsis de Almendra

«La última sensación de la literatura surcoreana.» Xavi Ayén, La Vanguardia

La novela coreana del momento, Almendra, es una historia sobre crecer, descubrirse a uno mismo y aceptar que la ayuda no siempre viene por donde la esperamos.

Yunjae tiene dieciséis años, está en la edad de las emociones desbordadas, el amor y la rabia. Pero las amígdalas de su cerebro son pequeñas, más pequeñas que una almendra y, como consecuencia, Yunjae es incapaz de sentir nada.

Educado por su madre y su abuela, aprende a identificar las emociones de los demás y a fingir estados de ánimo para no destacar en un mundo que pronto lo tachará de extraño. «Si tu interlocutor llora, tú entrecierra los ojos, baja la cabeza y dale una suave palmada en la espalda», le dice su madre. Así construye una aparente normalidad que se hace trizas el día en que un psicópata ataca a ambas mujeres en la calle. Desde entonces, Yunjae debe aprender a vivir solo, sin deseo de derramar una lágrima, sin tristeza ni miedo ni felicidad.

A Yunjae le tienden la mano personas improbables: un antiguo amigo de su madre, una chica capaz de romper certezas e incluso un abusón con más afinidad de la esperada. Los tres quebrarán la soledad del protagonista de Almendra.

Una novela breve y lacerante en la que solo la empatía puede llevar a la esperanza.


Synopsis of Almond

"The latest sensation of South Korean literature." Xavi Ayén, La Vanguardia

The Korean novel of the moment, Almendra, is a story about growing up, discovering yourself and accepting that help does not always come where we expect it.

Yunjae is sixteen years old, she is at the age of overflowing emotions, love and rage. But the tonsils in her brain are small, smaller than an almond, and as a result, Yunjae is unable to feel anything.

Educated by his mother and his grandmother, he learns to identify the emotions of others and to fake moods so as not to stand out in a world that will soon label him strange. "If your interlocutor cries, you squint your eyes, lower your head and gently pat him on the back," his mother tells him. He thus builds an apparent normality that is shattered the day a psychopath attacks both women on the street. Since then, Yunjae must learn to live alone, without the desire to shed a tear, without sadness or fear or happiness.

Unlikely people reach out to Yunjae: an old friend of his mother's, a girl capable of breaking certainties, and even a bully with more affinity than expected. The three will break the loneliness of Almendra's protagonist.

A short and lacerating novel in which only empathy can lead to hope.

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