AKS Pioneers of Korean Studies (Revised Edition)

Sale Price:€53.20 Original Price:€56.00

ISBN 9791158666217

Language English

N. of Pages 414쪽

Size/Weight 152 * 228 * 28 mm / 685 g

Author/Editor Kim Keong-il

Publisher AKS(Academy of Korean Studies) Press

Date of Publication 2022년 02월 01일

Country of Origin Korea


ISBN 9791158666217

Language English

N. of Pages 414쪽

Size/Weight 152 * 228 * 28 mm / 685 g

Author/Editor Kim Keong-il

Publisher AKS(Academy of Korean Studies) Press

Date of Publication 2022년 02월 01일

Country of Origin Korea

ISBN 9791158666217

Language English

N. of Pages 414쪽

Size/Weight 152 * 228 * 28 mm / 685 g

Author/Editor Kim Keong-il

Publisher AKS(Academy of Korean Studies) Press

Date of Publication 2022년 02월 01일

Country of Origin Korea

책 소개

이 책은 2004년 나온 Pioneers of Korean Studies의 개정판이다. 초판에서는 1부와 2부로 나누어 1부에서는 조선 말기부터 일제강점기를 거쳐 근대에 이르기까지 한국학 발전에 기여한 11명의 한국 학자들을 소개했다. 그러나 이들 대부분은 너무 많이 알려졌고, 시기나 연구경향 등에서 현재의 한국학과 많은 차이가 있다. 때문에 개정판은 2부에서 다뤘던 미국과 동아시아를 중심으로 해외에서 한국학 분야를 연구하는 학자들의 인터뷰로 구성했다. 이들 각각은 의견과 시각 차이가 클 뿐만 아니라 한국학의 과거와 현재, 미래에 대한 목소리도 다양하다. 그럼에도 이들이 공통적으로 강조하는 것은 상호협력의 가치를 존중하고 연대함으로써 한국에 대한 지식을 발전시켜야 한다는 것이다. 이 책은 한국학의 미래를 구상하기 위한 논의에 기여할 것이며 다양하고 논쟁적인 견해는 상호 이해와 교류의 가교가 될 것이다.


About the book

This book is a revised edition of Pioneers of Korean Studies, published in 2004. In the first edition, divided into two parts, Part I introduced eleven Korean scholars who contributed to the development of Korean studies from the end of the Joseon Dynasty through the Japanese colonial period to the modern era. However, most of these scholars have become too well known, and there are many differences between them and current Korean studies in terms of time periods and research trends. Therefore, the revised edition consists of interviews with scholars working in the field of Korean studies abroad, mainly in the United States and East Asia, which were covered in Part 2. Each of them has different opinions and perspectives on the past, present, and future of Korean Studies, but they all emphasise the need to advance knowledge of Korea through solidarity and respect for the value of mutual cooperation. This book will contribute to the debate on the future of Korean Studies, and its diverse and controversial views will build bridges of mutual understanding and exchange.

Table of Contents

Introduction (Kim Keong-il)

Mikhail N. Pak (Vladimir Tikhonov)

Edward W. Wagner (Lee Hoon-sang)

Kang Jae-eun (Chung Hye-kyung)

Piao Changyu (Liu Binghu)

Peter H. Lee (Catherine Ryu)

Gari K. Ledyard (Charles Armstrong)

James Palais (Han Hong-koo)

Martina Deuchler (Janice Kim)

Kajimura Hideki (Yi Hong-rahk)

Bruce Cumings (Michael D. Shin)

Contributors and Interviewers

Kim Keong-il_ Former professor of Sociology in the Graduate School of Korean Studies at The Academy of Korean Studies.

Vladimir Tikhonov (Korean name is Pak No-ja)_ South Korean academic of Korean studies, and columnist.

Lee Hoon-sang_ Professor of Korean History at Donga University.

Chung Hye-kyung_ Scholar who studies the history of colonial Korea, the early period in particular.

Liu Binghu_ Professor of the National Institute at Yanbian University in China.

Catherine Ryu_ Scholar who studies classical Japanese literature (Heian women’s narratives), and Korean Japanese literature.

Charles Armstrong_ Former professor of Korean studies at Columbia University.

Han Hong-koo_ Professor of General Studies at Sungkonghoe University

Janice Kim_ Professor of history at York University in Canada.

Yi Hong-rahk_ Former professor in the Humanities & Social Sciences Division, Hanil University & Presbyterian Theological Seminary.

Michael D. Shin_ Senior Researcher of Robinson College of University of Cambridge.

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