Still Cold War? Perspectives on Inter-KOREAN Peace and Reconciliation



Language English

N. of Pages320쪽

Size/Weight 153 * 188 * 29 mm / 458 g

Author/Editor 존 리치

Publisher 서울셀렉션

Date of Publication 2020년 06월 15일

Country of Origin Korea



Language English

N. of Pages320쪽

Size/Weight 153 * 188 * 29 mm / 458 g

Author/Editor 존 리치

Publisher 서울셀렉션

Date of Publication 2020년 06월 15일

Country of Origin Korea


Language English

N. of Pages320쪽

Size/Weight 153 * 188 * 29 mm / 458 g

Author/Editor 존 리치

Publisher 서울셀렉션

Date of Publication 2020년 06월 15일

Country of Origin Korea


사회문화적 차원에서 한국 통일이 어떻게 가능할 수 있을까요? 또한 통합된 한국 사회를 구성하는 사람들 사이에서 한국적 사고방식의 통합이 어떻게 가능할 수 있을까요? 이러한 질문에 답하기 위해서는 남북한 국민 통합에 대한 일반적인 인식을 고려할 필요가 있습니다.

How could Korean reunification be possible at the sociocultural level? Further, how could an integration of Korean mindsets be possible among those who make up an integrated Korean society? To answer these questions, it is necessary to consider the general perception of the integration of North and South Korea among their peoples.

Comment l'unification coréenne est-elle possible au niveau socioculturel? De plus, comment peut-on intégrer l'esprit coréen parmi les personnes qui forment une société coréenne intégrée? Pour répondre à ces questions, il est nécessaire d'examiner la perception générale de l'unité nationale de la Corée du Sud et de la Corée du Nord.



1. The Perception of the Integration of North and South Korea

2. Ethnic Identification Matters

3. Peace through Cooperation or Peace through Strength?How to Achieve Peace in an Intractable Conflict Society

4. Division and Unification: Seen through the Eyes of Korean Migrants in Berlin

5. The Elephant in the Room: Problems and Potentials of the Workers’ Party of Korea in a Korean Unification Scenario

6. The Making of the “Reader-People” in the 1950-1960s North Korean Socialist Literature

7. The Discursive Origins of Anti-Americanism in the Two Koreas

8. Inter-Korean Integration Mirrored in Division Films: Changing Collective Emotion in South Korea Toward Inter-Korean Integration

9. Remaking a Transborder Nation in North Korea: Media Representation in the Korean Peace Process

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