한국사 편지 영문판 5 Letters from Korean History 5


ISBN 9791186293522

Language Korean

N. of Pages 304쪽

Size/Weight 188 * 230 * 20 mm / 718 g

Author/Editor 박은봉

Publisher 책과함께어린이

Date of Publication 2016년 05월 05일

Country of Origin Korea


ISBN 9791186293522

Language Korean

N. of Pages 304쪽

Size/Weight 188 * 230 * 20 mm / 718 g

Author/Editor 박은봉

Publisher 책과함께어린이

Date of Publication 2016년 05월 05일

Country of Origin Korea

ISBN 9791186293522

Language Korean

N. of Pages 304쪽

Size/Weight 188 * 230 * 20 mm / 718 g

Author/Editor 박은봉

Publisher 책과함께어린이

Date of Publication 2016년 05월 05일

Country of Origin Korea

출간부터 지금까지 어린이 역사책의 기본서로 350만 독자들의 사랑을 받아온 ≪한국사 편지≫가 영문판으로 찾아왔습니다.

영어를 공부하는 독자, 외국인 친구들과 한국사를 공유하고 싶은 독자, 한국의 역사와 문화가 궁금한 외국인 독자까지. 모든 독자의 바람을 담은 한국사 편지 영문판 ≪Letters from Korean History≫(전 5권)이 지금 출간되었습니다.

≪Korean History Letters≫, which has been loved by 3.5 million readers as a basic children's history book since its publication, is now available in English.

Readers studying English, readers who want to share Korean history with foreign friends, and even foreign readers who are curious about Korean history and culture.

The English version of Letters from Korean History (5 volumes in total), which contains the wishes of all readers, has now been published.

BOOK 1 From prehistory to Unified Silla and Balhae

BOOK 2 From the Later Three Kingdoms to Goryeo

BOOK 3 Joseon - from founding to later years

BOOK 4 From Late Joseon to the Daehan Empire

BOOK 5 From the Daehan Empire to North-South rapprochement

(AKS 고전자료총서 25) 검안과 근대 한국사회 Ophthalmology and Modern Korean Society
한국전통 향토음식 (스페인어판) Comida Tradicional de Corea (Spanish Version)
Between the Streets and the Assembly : Social Movements, Political Parties, and Democracy in Korea
Rights Claiming in South Korea
Trampled Blossoms (What They Stold from Grandma)