파과 La Vieille Dame au Couteau (French/Français)


ISBN 9782367271071

Language French

N. of Pages 256쪽

Size/Weight 140 * 210 mm / 300 g

Author/Editor GU Byeong-mo

Publisher Decrescenzo éditeurs

Date of Publication 2022년

Country of Origin Korea

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ISBN 9782367271071

Language French

N. of Pages 256쪽

Size/Weight 140 * 210 mm / 300 g

Author/Editor GU Byeong-mo

Publisher Decrescenzo éditeurs

Date of Publication 2022년

Country of Origin Korea

ISBN 9782367271071

Language French

N. of Pages 256쪽

Size/Weight 140 * 210 mm / 300 g

Author/Editor GU Byeong-mo

Publisher Decrescenzo éditeurs

Date of Publication 2022년

Country of Origin Korea

Chemise imprimée à petites fleurs, pantalon noir, Jogak ressemble à n’importe quelle autre dame de soixante-cinq ans. Sauf que ce vendredi-là, dans le métro, elle s’apprête à commettre un meurtre. Elle n’en est pas à son premier coup. Au fil des ans, Jogak s’est taillé une solide réputation dans le milieu des tueurs à gages. Mais dernièrement, quelque chose a changé : la solitude, les remords, la vieillesse… Qui sait ? Son bras tremble chaque fois un peu plus au moment de porter le coup fatal. Qu’importe, Jogak a une dernière mission à accomplir, que celle-ci sonne l’heure de sa retraite ou de sa fin sanglante.


Printed shirt with small flowers, black pants, Jogak looks like any other sixty-five-year-old lady. Except that that Friday, in the subway, she was preparing to commit murder. This is not her first attempt. Over the years, Jogak has carved out a solid reputation in the world of hitmen. But lately, something has changed: loneliness, remorse, old age... Who knows? His arm trembles a little more each time as he delivers the fatal blow. No matter, Jogak has one last mission to accomplish, whether it marks the time of his retirement or his bloody end.

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