K-포엣 시리즈) 김병호 시선 K-Poet) 몸으로 부르는 연가 Love Songs Sung with the Body (English) Poems by Kim Byung-ho


ISBN 9791156626572

Language English

N. of Pages 112쪽

Size/Weight 115 * 188 * 7 mm

Author/Editor Kim Byung-ho

Publisher ASIA Publishers

Date of Publication 2023년

Country of Origin Korea


ISBN 9791156626572

Language English

N. of Pages 112쪽

Size/Weight 115 * 188 * 7 mm

Author/Editor Kim Byung-ho

Publisher ASIA Publishers

Date of Publication 2023년

Country of Origin Korea

ISBN 9791156626572

Language English

N. of Pages 112쪽

Size/Weight 115 * 188 * 7 mm

Author/Editor Kim Byung-ho

Publisher ASIA Publishers

Date of Publication 2023년

Country of Origin Korea

Book introduction

I want to love, I want to hug, I want to be together, I want to be together and look at the same place, but it doesn’t work out. It seems to work but it doesn’t, it seems to work but it doesn’t work. It’s not just an erotic relationship. The appearance of thirst among people is almost similar. In this way, the emotional reaction that occurs to us when we encounter an unbridgeable gap between life and desire is sorrow. Most poems are wandering lost somewhere.

From“ Poet’s Essay”

Kim Byung-ho’s poetry continues to communicate with humor while going through the processes of observation, diagnosis, subversion, and reflection. Throughout his collection of poems, the poet’s eyes keenly gaze at the evil and horror of reality. This point must not be missed. He is the inventor of love and the physicist of laughter who explains the shame of the corrupt modern society and the desires of modern people in a unique style.

Ham Giseok (Poet)


Kim, Byun-ho

His artistic career began in 1998 when he received the Jakga Segye New Writers Award. His poetry collections include “Lying Down on a Speed Bump”, “Poetology”, and “Mingle Mangle”, his science essay collections include “Scientific Humanities”, his prose collections include “Superpower Poet”, and his full-length novels include “Polar Fix Project”. This novel won the 2017 SF Awards Excellence Award.

목차 Index

Spell for the left hand

Mobius money

All-purpose condom

Dirty woman

What’s inside me that’s not mine

A host’s love

Uses of the ring finger

Proving is a dog’s thing

Love that cannot come true


According to inside-out panties

But they

A lazy man’s love

Death of a lazy person

Self-potrait of a shadow

A burn incident that occurred only once in the history of the neighborhood.

Three syllogisms that speak of the world

A contradiction called contradiction

Rebellious force

Twenty questions

Poet´s Note

Poet´s Essay


Praise for Kim Byung-ho

아몬드 Almendra (Spanish/Español)
L'mpire Samsung
해님과 달님 Haenim et Dalim, Le Conte du Solieil et de la Lune (KR/FR)
낯익은 세상 TUTTE LE COSE DELLA NOSTRA VITA (Italian/Italiano) Hardcover
Peoms by Don Mee Choi 최돈미 시인 전미도서상 수상 DMZ Colony