Peoms by Don Mee Choi 최돈미 시인 전미도서상 수상 DMZ Colony


ISBN 9781940696959

Language English

N. of Pages 152쪽

Size/Weight 170 * 226 * 13 mm / 340 g

Author/Editor Don Mee Choi

Publisher Wave Books

Date of Publication 2020년 04월 07일

Country of Origin The United States


ISBN 9781940696959

Language English

N. of Pages 152쪽

Size/Weight 170 * 226 * 13 mm / 340 g

Author/Editor Don Mee Choi

Publisher Wave Books

Date of Publication 2020년 04월 07일

Country of Origin The United States

ISBN 9781940696959

Language English

N. of Pages 152쪽

Size/Weight 170 * 226 * 13 mm / 340 g

Author/Editor Don Mee Choi

Publisher Wave Books

Date of Publication 2020년 04월 07일

Country of Origin The United States



"Don Mee Choi's urgent DMZ Colony captures the migratory latticework of those transformed by war and colonization. Homelands present and past share one sky where birds fly, but 'during the Korean War cranes had no place to land.' Devastating and vigilant, this bricolage of survivor accounts, drawings, photographs, and hand-written texts unearth the truth between fact and the critical imagination. We are all 'victims of History,' so Choi compels us to witness, and to resist."--Judges Citation

Woven from poems, prose, photographs, and drawings, Don Mee Choi's DMZ Colony is a tour de force of personal and political reckoning set over eight acts. Evincing the power of translation as a poetic device to navigate historical and linguistic borders, it explores Edward Said's notion of "the intertwined and overlapping histories" in regards to South Korea and the United States through innovative deployments of voice, story, and poetics. Like its sister book, Hardly War, it holds history accountable, its very presence a resistance to empire and a hope in humankind.

저자 소개

저 : 최돈미 (Don Mee Choi)

2020년 제71회 전미도서상 시부문

2019년 그리핀시문학상 국제부문

2019년 루시엔스트릭 번역상

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날개 Die Flügel (German/Deutsch)
Korean Diaspora Literature) A Mark of Red Honor