오늘의 한옥 Hanok Today
ISBN 9781565915138
Language English
N. of Pages 280쪽
Size/Weight 164 * 219 * 26 mm / 814 g
Author/Editor Nani Park , Jongkeun Lee
Publisher Hollym
Date of Publication 2023년 05월 25일
Country of Origin Korea
ISBN 9781565915138
Language English
N. of Pages 280쪽
Size/Weight 164 * 219 * 26 mm / 814 g
Author/Editor Nani Park , Jongkeun Lee
Publisher Hollym
Date of Publication 2023년 05월 25일
Country of Origin Korea
ISBN 9781565915138
Language English
N. of Pages 280쪽
Size/Weight 164 * 219 * 26 mm / 814 g
Author/Editor Nani Park , Jongkeun Lee
Publisher Hollym
Date of Publication 2023년 05월 25일
Country of Origin Korea
책 소개
오늘날의 세대에게 한옥은 어떤 의미일까요? 기성세대는 어린 시절 한옥에서 살거나 한옥에 살던 친척을 방문했던 기억이 있을 수 있습니다. 하지만 불교 사찰이나 궁궐을 방문했을 때와 비슷한 방식으로 한옥을 문화적으로 접한 젊은 세대에게 한옥은 오래된 박제 형태로 보존해야 하는 역사적 유물로 여겨지는 경우가 많습니다.
최근 이러한 인식을 깨고 젊은이들과 친근하고 매력적으로 직접 연결되는 한옥이 늘고 있습니다. 이는 전통 한옥에 대한 고정관념에서 벗어나 자신만의 독특한 한옥을 만든 주인들의 결과입니다. 오늘날 일부 주인들은 한옥을 주거 공간뿐만 아니라 레스토랑, 카페, 사무실, 숙박, 갤러리 등 상업적 목적으로도 활용하고 있습니다. 동시에 한옥 보존과 지역 문화 활성화에도 기여하고 있습니다.
한국에 도착해 한옥에 푹 빠진 외국인부터 자신의 목적에 맞게 한옥을 설계하고 변형해 새로운 한옥을 만든 사람들까지, 이들의 다양한 삶의 방식과 사고방식은 한옥이 무엇인지 다시 생각하게 합니다. 이들의 열정과 창의성으로 표현되는 전통과 현대의 아름다운 조화는 한옥의 무한한 가능성을 보여주며 그들의 미래를 엿볼 수 있게 해줍니다.
한옥 투데이는 모든 사진 속 한옥에 대한 자세한 설명으로 모든 질문에 답하는 정보 책이 아닙니다. 오히려 저자들은 각 한옥의 개성과 본질을 증류하고 이미지를 아름답게 배열하여 공간의 의미를 전달함으로써 독자들이 직접 보고, 느끼고, 생각할 수 있도록 유도합니다. 두 저자의 눈을 통해 텍스트와 사진을 따라가며 자신만의 해석을 덧붙입니다.
저자(글) 나니 파크
역사학자 건축가/건축공학자
박나니는 한국에서 태어났지만 하와이에서 자랐기 때문에 한국의 내부자이자 외부인으로서 특별한 시각을 가지고 있습니다. 어렸을 때 한옥에 살다가 한옥에 대한 출판 자료가 부족하다는 사실을 알게 되면서 한옥에 관한 책을 처음 만들었습니다. 현재 서울에 거주하고 있는 박나니는 이후 한옥 관련 책을 여러 권 출간하며 현대 한옥 생활에 대한 경험과 감상을 공유하고 있습니다. 뉴욕 시각예술대학에서 미술학 석사 학위를 받은 수상 경력이 있는 일러스트레이터이자 미술 교육자인 나니는 20년 넘게 미술계에서 활동해 왔습니다. 이 책에서 볼 수 있듯이 그녀는 다양한 매체를 통해 자신의 예술을 계속 표현하고 있습니다.
About the book
What does hanok mean to today’s generation? Older generations may have memories of living in a hanok as a child or visiting relatives who lived in one. However, for younger people who have been exposed to hanok in a similar way culturally as they have been to Buddhist temples and palaces, hanok are often thought of as historical artifacts that need to be preserved in their old, taxidermized form.
Recently, there have been an increasing number of hanok that break this perception and have a direct connection to young people in a friendlier, more attractive way. This is the result of owners who have broken away from the stereotype of traditional hanok and created their own unique hanok. Today, some owners are not only using hanok as residential spaces but also for commercial purposes, such as restaurants, cafes, offices, accommodations, and galleries. At the same time, they are contributing to preserving hanok and revitalizing local culture.
From foreigners who arrived in Korea and fell in love with hanok, to those who created new hanok by designing and transforming them to suit their own purposes, the diverse ways of life and mindsets of these people make us rethink what hanok are. The beautiful harmony between tradition and modernity that is expressed through the passion and creativity of these people shows the infinite possibilities of hanok and gives us a glimpse into their future.
Hanok Today is not an informational book that answers all of your questions with detailed descriptions about every hanok in every photo. Rather, the authors distill the individuality and essence of each hanok and beautifully arrange the images to convey the meaning of the space, inviting readers to see, feel, and think for themselves. Follow along with the text and photographs through the eyes of the two authors and add your own interpretation to them as you go.
저자(글) Nani Park
역사학자 건축가/건축공학자
Nani Park was born in Korea but grew up in Hawaii, which gives her a special perspective as both an insider and outsider of Korea. Nani lived in a hanok when she was young and first created a book about hanok when she noticed the lack of published material on the traditional Korean houses (hanok). Currently residing in Seoul, she has since published several hanok related books to share her experiences and appreciation of contemporary daily hanok life. An award-winning illustrator and art educator with a Master’s degree in fine arts from the School of Visual Arts in New York, Nani has been in the art industry for over two decades. She continues to express her art in different media, as seen in this book. Excerpts from her hanok books have continued to be republished in the newspaper JoongAng Ilbo where she is currently acting as a guest contributor for the column, “Nani Park’s Hanok Story.” --- Instagram @hanokbynani
저자(글) Jongkeun Lee
대학/대학원 교수 사진작가
Jongkeun Lee graduated from Chung-Ang University’s Department of Photography and the graduate school of the same university. He runs a photo and video production company called GuruVisual Co., Ltd., and also teaches advertising photography at his alma mater. In 1995, he began working as a photo director, doing the covers and pictorials of Marie Claire, Maison, and Sulwhasoo magazines. Today, he is currently working for the monthly magazine Casa Living. He has long been actively engaged in product, architecture, and food photography, and has worked on many familiar advertising campaigns as a photographer. He has also taken photos of important cultural heritage such as Hunminjeongeum Haeryebon and Hyewon Hwacheop. Lee’s photography style involves deeply observing the subject and expressing it in warm and profound tones through an artistic interpretation. Architecture books that capture his vision include Korea Style and Hanok: The Korean House
À propos du livre
Que signifie Hanok pour la génération d'aujourd'hui ? Les générations plus âgées se souviennent peut-être de vivre dans un hokan enfant ou de rendre visite à des parents qui y vivaient. Cependant, pour les jeunes qui ont été exposés à Hanok de la même manière culturellement qu'aux temples et palais bouddhistes, Hanok est souvent considéré comme un artefact historique qu'il faut préserver sous leur forme taxidermie.
Récemment, un nombre croissant de hokan rompent cette perception et ont un lien direct avec les jeunes d'une manière plus amicale et plus attrayante. C'est le résultat de propriétaires qui se sont éloignés du stéréotype du hokan traditionnel et ont créé leur propre hokan unique. Aujourd'hui, certains propriétaires utilisent non seulement Hanok comme espaces résidentiels, mais aussi à des fins commerciales, comme les restaurants, les cafés, les bureaux, les logements et les galeries. Parallèlement, ils contribuent à la préservation du hokan et à la revitalisation de la culture locale.
Des étrangers qui sont arrivés en Corée et sont tombés amoureux de Hanok, à ceux qui ont créé un nouveau Hanok en le concevant et en le transformant en fonction de leurs propres objectifs, les divers modes de vie et mentalités de ces gens nous font repenser ce qu'est Hanok. La belle harmonie entre tradition et modernité qui s'exprime par la passion et la créativité de ces gens montre les possibilités infinies de hokan et nous donne un aperçu de leur avenir.
Hanok Today n'est pas un livre d'information qui répond à toutes vos questions avec des descriptions détaillées de chaque Hanok sur chaque photo. Les auteurs distillent plutôt l'individualité et l'essence de chaque hokan et arrangent magnifiquement les images pour transmettre le sens de l'espace, invitant les lecteurs à voir, sentir et penser par eux-mêmes. Suivez le texte et les photographies à travers les yeux des deux auteurs et ajoutez-leur votre propre interprétation au fur et à mesure.
저자(글) Parc Nani
역사학자 건축가/건축공학자
Nani Park est née en Corée mais a grandi à Hawaï, ce qui lui donne une perspective particulière en tant qu'initiée et étrangère de la Corée. Nani vivait dans un hokan quand elle était jeune et créa d'abord un livre sur hokan lorsqu'elle remarqua l'absence de documents publiés sur les maisons traditionnelles coréennes (hok). Résidant actuellement à Séoul, elle a depuis publié plusieurs livres reliés à Hanok pour partager son expérience et son appréciation de la vie quotidienne contemporaine Hanok. Illustratrice et éducatrice artistique lauréate d'une maîtrise en beaux-arts de la School of Visual Arts de New York, Nani est dans l'industrie artistique depuis plus de 20 ans. Elle continue d'exprimer son art dans différents médias, comme le montre ce livre.