세종 한국어 2A 더하기 활동 영문판 Sejong Korean 2A - Extension Activity Book - English Edition


ISBN 9781635190496

Language Korean, English

N. of Pages 84쪽

Size/Weight 208 * 286 * 7 mm / 387 g

Author/Editor 국립국어원

Publisher KONG&PARK

Date of Publication 2022년 09월 01일

Country of Origin Korea

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ISBN 9781635190496

Language Korean, English

N. of Pages 84쪽

Size/Weight 208 * 286 * 7 mm / 387 g

Author/Editor 국립국어원

Publisher KONG&PARK

Date of Publication 2022년 09월 01일

Country of Origin Korea

ISBN 9781635190496

Language Korean, English

N. of Pages 84쪽

Size/Weight 208 * 286 * 7 mm / 387 g

Author/Editor 국립국어원

Publisher KONG&PARK

Date of Publication 2022년 09월 01일

Country of Origin Korea

The Sejong Korean series and its new edition.
In the year 2022 the Sejong Korean book series has been completely renewed. The new edition consists of 4 levels, each level is subdivided into A and B, therefore, to complete each level you must complete both parts. Each level includes Student Book, work book, extension Activity Book, Vocabulary and Grammar Book and Teacher's Guide. The Student Book and the extension Activity Book of Levels 1A, 1B, 2A and 2B have 2 different versions: one with the texts in Korean only and one with the texts in Korean and English.
Therefore, this new edition with several books per level is different from Sejong Korean - Revised Edition which consists of 8 volumes.
패턴으로 배우는 초급 한국어 1100 Short & Useful Korean Phrases For Beginners
열린 한국어 초급 1 Open Korean Beginner 1
매일 하는 동작을 한국어로 My Daily Routine in Korean
세종 한국어 4A 익힘책 Sejong Korean 4A - Workbook
YTN뉴스로 배우는 시사 한국어 : Current Affairs Korean (Learning through YTN News) CD 1 included