세종 한국어 1A 어휘 표현과 문법 Sejong Korean 1A - Vocabulary & Grammar Book
ISBN 9788997134380
Language Korean, English
N. of Pages 64쪽
Size/Weight148 * 211 * 3 mm / 223 g
Publisher KONG&PARK
Date of Publication 2022년 09월 01일
Country of Origin Korea
ISBN 9788997134380
Language Korean, English
N. of Pages 64쪽
Size/Weight148 * 211 * 3 mm / 223 g
Publisher KONG&PARK
Date of Publication 2022년 09월 01일
Country of Origin Korea
ISBN 9788997134380
Language Korean, English
N. of Pages 64쪽
Size/Weight148 * 211 * 3 mm / 223 g
Publisher KONG&PARK
Date of Publication 2022년 09월 01일
Country of Origin Korea
“국립국어원, 11년 만의 국외 한국어 교재 완전 개정”
“한국어 영어 병기로 학습 효과 극대화”
기본 교재 각 단원에서 학습한 어휘와 표현뿐 아니라 단계별 새로 등장하는 어휘들을 한데 모았습니다. 또한 문법 파트는 문법의 형태 정보 및 활용 등 필수 정보를 간결하게 기술하였습니다.
작은 사이즈로 제작하여 휴대성을 높였으며 어휘와 표현, 문법, 색인 모두에서 한국어와 영어 각각 서로의 언어를 병기하여 효율성을 더했습니다.
"National Institute of Korean Language completely revises foreign Korean language textbooks for the first time in 11 years"
"Maximize the learning effect with Korean and English skills"
In addition to the vocabulary and expressions learned in each unit of the basic textbook, we put together new vocabulary that emerged step by step. The grammar part also succinctly described essential information, such as the form and use of grammar.
It was made in a small size to increase portability, and added efficiency by using each other's languages in both vocabulary, expression, grammar, and index.
"L'Institut national de la langue coréenne révise complètement les manuels de langue coréenne étrangers pour la première fois en 11 ans"
Maximiser l'effet d'apprentissage avec les compétences en coréen et en anglais
En plus du vocabulaire et des expressions apprises dans chaque unité du manuel de base, nous avons élaboré un nouveau vocabulaire qui a émergé étape par étape. La partie grammaticale décrit aussi succinctement les informations essentielles, comme la forme et l'utilisation de la grammaire.
Il a été conçu dans une petite taille afin d'accroître la portabilité et d'accroître l'efficacité en utilisant les langues de l'autre dans le vocabulaire, l'expression, la grammaire et l'index.
1부 어휘와 표현
2부 문법
부록 색인 1 (가나다순)
Index (in Korean alphabetical order)
색인 2 (ABC순)
Index (in English alphabetical order)
In the year 2022 the Sejong Korean book series has been completely renewed. The new edition consists of 4 levels, each level is subdivided into A and B, therefore, to complete each level you must complete both parts. Each level includes Student Book, workbook, extension Activity Book, Vocabulary and Grammar Book and Teacher's Guide. The Student Book and the extension Activity Book of Levels 1A, 1B, 2A and 2B have 2 different versions: one with the texts in Korean only and one with the texts in Korean and English.
Therefore, this new edition with several books per level is different from Sejong Korean - Revised Edition which consists of 8 volumes
Do not confuse this new edition with Sejong Korean - Revised Edition.