한국어 질문 패턴 모음집 Korean Q & A Sentence Patterns

Only 1 available

ISBN 9791186701539

Language Korean, English

N. of Pages 256쪽

Size/Weight 148 * 210 * 15 mm / 411 g

Author/Editor Talk To Me ln Korean, 장성원, 선윤아

Publisher 롱테일북스

Date of Publication 2016년 09월 01일

Country of Origin Korea

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ISBN 9791186701539

Language Korean, English

N. of Pages 256쪽

Size/Weight 148 * 210 * 15 mm / 411 g

Author/Editor Talk To Me ln Korean, 장성원, 선윤아

Publisher 롱테일북스

Date of Publication 2016년 09월 01일

Country of Origin Korea

ISBN 9791186701539

Language Korean, English

N. of Pages 256쪽

Size/Weight 148 * 210 * 15 mm / 411 g

Author/Editor Talk To Me ln Korean, 장성원, 선윤아

Publisher 롱테일북스

Date of Publication 2016년 09월 01일

Country of Origin Korea

전 세계 학습자 500만 명의 세계 최대의 한국어 교육 사이트 Talk To Me In Korean와 함께 실생활에서 사용하는 살아 있는 한국어를 배우세요!?

TalkToMeInKorean.com은 해외에서 먼저 인정받은 최고의 한국어 교육 웹사이트로 현재 전 세계 190개국의 500만 명의 학습자들이 Talk To Me In Korean에서 무료로 제공되는 강의를 통해 한국어, 그리고 더 나아가 한국에 대해 배우고 있습니다.

『한국어 질문 패턴 모음집』은 다양한 주제의 인터뷰 질문과 예시 답변을 통해서 한국어 질문과 답변의 패턴을 익히는 책입니다. 그동안 간단한 질문과 답변으로 짧은 대화만 해 온 한국어 학습자라면 이 책을 통해 좀 더 복잡한 문장을 만드는 법, 같은 말이라도 좀 더 자연스럽게 표현할 수 있는 법을 배울 수 있습니다. has provided FREE Korean language learning content to five million learners around the globe since 2009, and with over 800 lessons published on the official website at?, it has become the largest community in the world for Korean learners.

“Korean Q&A Sentence Patterns” is designed to help you learn how to ask and answer questions in Korean. Obviously there are many ways to ask and answer the same question, so rather than just teaching you one question and one way to answer it, “Korean Q&A Sentence Patterns” gives you the opportunity to learn multiple ways to phrase your questions and your answers.

목차 Index


1 Is there a food that you can’t eat?

2 Do you tend to eat a lot?

3 Do you make sure you eat breakfast?

4 Do you tend to eat out a lot?

5 Do you tend to eat regular meals?


6 Around what time do you usually go to bed?

7 How many hours a day do you usually sleep?

8 Can you normally sleep well just about anywhere?

9 Do even the slightest sounds easily wake you up?

10 What do you normally do when you can’t sleep?


11 What kind of student did you want to be?

12 Which school subject did you like the most?

13 Was there a school subject that you particularly hated?

14 Were you a student who went to a lot of private institutes?

15 Have you ever liked a teacher (romantically)?


16 Have you ever transferred jobs?

17 Are you doing work that is related to your major?

18 Have you ever had trouble with your boss at work?

19 Was there a profession that your parents expected you to have?

20 If you could choose one out of all the jobs in the world, what would you want to choose?


21 Where do you normally watch dramas?

22 Is there a particular drama genre that you prefer?

23 What is the title of the drama that you’ve enjoyed the most?

24 Do you mainly watch Korean dramas or foreign dramas?

25 Have you ever gone home early on purpose in order to watch a drama?


26 If you like someone, are you usually the one who approaches him?her first?

27 When you date someone, do you usually see him?her with marriage in mind?

28 When you date someone, what kind of problems mainly cause trouble?

29 Do you tend to, or did you use to, go on a lot of blind dates or group blind dates?

30 Do you usually date someone who you like, or someone who likes you?


31 Have you ever joined a fan club?

32 Is there a celebrity with whom you are personally close?

33 Have you ever thought you wanted to become a celebrity?

34 Who was the first celebrity you’ve seen in person?

35 Is there a celebrity who you would want to meet and talk to in person?


36 Do you believe that someone’s personality can change?

37 Do you often hear that you have a good personality?

38 Between your parents, whose personality do you take after more?

39 Was there a moment when your personality changed a lot?

40 Do you usually hang out with people who have a similar personality to yours?


41 On which item do you spend the most money?

42 Until when did you live off an allowance from your parents?

43 Have you ever heard people around you say you are a penny?pincher?

44 Do you tend to spend money on other people rather than yourself?

45 What is the first item you could spend less on if you needed to cut down on spending?


46 Have you ever been obsessed with anyone?

47 Do you think you are a perfectionist?

48 Are you the type of person who hates losing to someone?

49 How long can you focus on one thing?

50 Have you ever overcome an addiction on your own?

『한국어 질문 패턴 모음집』은 수면 습관, 드라마 취향, 소비 습관 등 다양한 분야를 아우르는 흥미로운 질문들을 담고 있습니다. 한국어를 배우는 학습자가 자신이 평소에 관심이 있던 분야에 대한 질문을 책을 따라서 대답해 나가다 보면 어느새 책을 끝까지 읽게 될 것입니다. 또한 문장 속의 단어들과 표현, 문법 포인트까지 잘 정리되어 있어 학습자가 따로 사전을 찾거나 검색하지 않아도 이 책 안에서 모든 궁금증을 해소할 수 있습니다.

모든 질문과 답변은 오디오 파일로 제공되며 웹사이트에서 무료로 다운로드 받으실 수 있습니다.

The questions and answers on “Korean Q&A Sentence Patterns” have been divided into 10 categories, which include Sleeping Habits, Thoughts About Dating, Celebrities, and more! By reading about various topics in Korean, you will learn a little more about Korean culture while increasing your Korean language fluency. Vocabulary translations and grammar points are also provided so that you do not need to look up words in a dictionary or Google anything.

You may also download accompanying audio files for FREE from to hear native Korean speakers read the sentences in this book.

활발한 커뮤니티 활동으로 한국을 홍보하는

TTMIK은 다양한 소셜 미디어 채널을 통해 한국어 학습에 필요한 동기를 부여하는 것뿐만 아니라 한국의 다양한 모습을 담은 사진, 비디오 등을 공유해 한국의 지역과 문화를 홍보하는 최대 온라인 커뮤니티를 운영하고 있습니다.

지금 www.TalkToMeInKorean.com을 방문해서 자세한 내용을 확인해 보세요! 그리고 여러분도 함께 참여해 보세요!

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