패턴으로 배우는 초급 한국어 1100 Short & Useful Korean Phrases For Beginners


ISBN 9791186701515

Language Korean, English

N. of Pages 244쪽

Size/Weight 149 * 211 * 18 mm / 333 g

Author/Editor Talk To Me In Korean

Publisher 롱테일북스

Date of Publication 2020년 03월 16일

Country of Origin Korea


ISBN 9791186701515

Language Korean, English

N. of Pages 244쪽

Size/Weight 149 * 211 * 18 mm / 333 g

Author/Editor Talk To Me In Korean

Publisher 롱테일북스

Date of Publication 2020년 03월 16일

Country of Origin Korea

ISBN 9791186701515

Language Korean, English

N. of Pages 244쪽

Size/Weight 149 * 211 * 18 mm / 333 g

Author/Editor Talk To Me In Korean

Publisher 롱테일북스

Date of Publication 2020년 03월 16일

Country of Origin Korea

전 세계 학습자 800만 명 이상의 세계 최대의 한국어 교육 사이트 Talk To Me In Korean과 함께 한국어 공부를!?

TalkToMeInKorean.com은 해외에서 먼저 인정받은 최고의 한국어 교육 웹사이트로 현재 전 세계 800만 명의 학습자들이 Talk To Me In Korean에서 무료로 제공되는 강의를 통해 한국어, 그리고 더 나아가 한국에 대해 배우고 있습니다.

『패턴으로 배우는 초급 한국어』는 초급 학습자들을 위한 말하기 교재로, 한국인이 자주 쓰는 문장 패턴 100개가 담겨 있습니다. 100개의 패턴에 단어를 바꿔 넣어 총 1100개의 예문을 만들어 보면서, 패턴 100개를 완전히 내 것으로 만들 수 있도록 도와줍니다.

TalkToMeInKorean.com has provided FREE Korean language learning content to 8 million learners around the globe since 2009, and with over 1400 lessons published on the official website at?TalkToMeInKorean.com, it has become the largest community in the world for Korean learners.

1100 Short & Useful Korean Phrases For Beginners includes 100 common sentence patterns that are essential for beginners and each pattern is accompanied by 11 example sentences. Learn 100 sentence patterns with 1,100 example sentences, QR codes, audio files and witty, cute illustrations!

Study Korean with Talk To Me In Korean, the world's largest Korean language education site with over 8 million learners worldwide!?

TalkToMeInKorean.com is the best Korean language education website first recognized abroad. Currently, 8 million learners around the world are learning the Korean language, and even more about Korea, through free lectures offered on Talk To Me In Korean.

『Learning Korean with Patterns for Beginners』 is a speaking textbook for beginner learners, and contains 100 sentence patterns frequently used by Koreans. By replacing words in 100 patterns to create a total of 1100 example sentences, it helps you to make 100 patterns completely mine.

TalkToMeInKorean.com has provided FREE Korean language learning content to 8 million learners around the globe since 2009, and with over 1400 lessons published on the official website at?TalkToMeInKorean.com, it has become the largest community in the world for Korean learners.

1100 Short & Useful Korean Phrases For Beginners includes 100 common sentence patterns that are essential for beginners and each pattern is accompanied by 11 example sentences. Learn 100 sentence patterns with 1,100 example sentences, QR codes, audio files and witty, cute illustrations!

출판사 서평

『패턴으로 배우는 초급 한국어』는 한국어를 배우는 학습자를 위해 한국인이 자주 쓰는 문장 패턴 100개를 정리했습니다. 각 패턴에는 일상생활에서 자주 쓸 만한 10개의 예문과, 다소 엉뚱한 1개의 예문이 실려 있습니다. 마지막 문장에 담긴 유머와 황당함은 피식 웃음을 유발하며 패턴을 기억하는 데 도움을 줍니다. 특히 11번째 예문의 유머 포인트를 한 번 더 살린 일러스트는 시각형 학습자(Visual Learner)에게 효과적입니다.

예문에 쓰인 단어들은 책 마지막 부분에 실린 Index에서 모두 확인할 수 있습니다. 또한 각 페이지에 실린 QR코드와 TalkToMeInKorean.com 웹사이트를 통해 오디오 파일을 다운로드 받을 수 있습니다.

Here are 5 tips about how to make the most of 1100 Short & Useful Korean Phrases For Beginners!

* Practice speaking the sentences repeatedly so that you can get familiar with each sentence pattern.

* Sentences written in Korean are arranged on the left side of a page and those in English are on the right side. We recommend you cover one of the two sides with a piece of paper or your hand and test your understanding!

* Study words with the index. In the index, you can find all the vocabulary words used! In fact, this book is also very useful to study words and practice making sentences with them.

* Use the QR codes! There is a QR code for each pattern with which you can check the native Korean speaker’s pronunciation easily. You can, of course, download all the audio files at talktomeinkorean.com/audio.

* The dorky 11th example sentence. Every 11th example sentence is a bonus one that will (hopefully) make you grin while studying. Look at the cute illustration attached to the 11th sentence! How could you not smile?

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