Korean Mother's Easy Recipes


ISBN 9781565914940

Language English

N. of Pages 200쪽

Size/Weight 185 * 235 * 13 mm / 491 g

Author/Editor Yoon Okhee, Chae Jinjoo

Publisher Hollym

Date of Publication 2019년 10월 01일

Country of Origin Korea


ISBN 9781565914940

Language English

N. of Pages 200쪽

Size/Weight 185 * 235 * 13 mm / 491 g

Author/Editor Yoon Okhee, Chae Jinjoo

Publisher Hollym

Date of Publication 2019년 10월 01일

Country of Origin Korea

ISBN 9781565914940

Language English

N. of Pages 200쪽

Size/Weight 185 * 235 * 13 mm / 491 g

Author/Editor Yoon Okhee, Chae Jinjoo

Publisher Hollym

Date of Publication 2019년 10월 01일

Country of Origin Korea

집에서 쉽게 따라할 수 있는 일러스트로 전통 한국 요리를 만드는 방법을 알아보세요.

20년 동안 전 세계 학생들에게 한식을 가르쳐온 저자는 재미있고 쉽게 만들 수 있는 40가지 한식 레시피를 선정했습니다. 메인 요리, 반찬, 디저트 레시피를 단계별로 설명해 초보자도 쉽게 따라할 수 있도록 했습니다. 이 책에는 파티를 주최하기 위한 특별한 요리도 포함되어 있습니다. 청와대 사랑채 청와대 한식체험관에서 세계 각국의 한식과 다양한 요리를 연습하고 한식을 가르친 저자는 누구나 쉽게 따라하고 즐길 수 있는 책을 집필했습니다.

Learn how to make traditional Korean dishes at home with easy-to-follow illustrations.

The author, who has taught Korean cooking to students from all over the world for 20 years, has selected 40 Korean recipes that are fun and easy to make. Main dish, side dish and dessert recipes are illustrated with step-by-step instructions so even beginners can easily follow them. The book also includes special dishes for hosting parties. After practicing Korean cooking and different cuisine from all over the world and teaching Korean cooking at the Blue House Korean Food Experience Center, Cheong Wa Dae Sarangchae, the author has written a book that anyone can follow and enjoy traditional Korean food in the easiest way.

Table of Contents

A Word from The Author

About the Author

Korean Cuisine

1. Understanding Korean Cuisine

2. Ingredients for Korean Cuisine

3. Condiments for Korean Cuisine

4. Garnishes for Korean Cuisine

5. Basic Cooking Techniques for Korean Cuisine

Chapter 1

Main Dish

Chapter 2

Side Dish - Guk

Side Dish - Banchan

Chapter 3

Special Dish

Chapter 4

Dessert and Drinks



Apprenez à préparer des plats coréens traditionnels à la maison grâce à des illustrations faciles à suivre.

L'auteur, qui a enseigné la cuisine coréenne à des étudiants du monde entier pendant 20 ans, a sélectionné 40 recettes coréennes amusantes et faciles à réaliser. Les recettes de plats principaux, d'accompagnements et de desserts sont illustrées par des instructions pas à pas, de sorte que même les débutants peuvent facilement les suivre. Le livre comprend également des plats spéciaux pour organiser des fêtes. Après avoir pratiqué la cuisine coréenne et d'autres cuisines du monde entier et enseigné la cuisine coréenne au Blue House Korean Food Experience Center, Cheong Wa Dae Sarangchae, l'auteur a écrit un livre que tout le monde peut suivre et apprécier la cuisine coréenne traditionnelle de la manière la plus simple qui soit.

Table des matières

Mot de l'auteur

À propos de l'auteur

La cuisine coréenne

1. Comprendre la cuisine coréenne

2. Ingrédients de la cuisine coréenne

3. Condiments pour la cuisine coréenne

4. Garnitures pour la cuisine coréenne

5. Techniques de base de la cuisine coréenne

Chapitre 1

Plat principal

Chapitre 2

Plat d'accompagnement - Guk

Plat d'accompagnement - Banchan

Chapitre 3

Plat spécial

Chapitre 4

Desserts et boissons


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