일상 속에서 진짜 자주 등장하는 한국 옛날이야기 Korean Folktales in Everyday Conversation
ISBN 9791191343601
Language Korean, English
N. of Pages 228쪽
Size/Weight 168 * 230 * 13 mm
Author/Editor 지나인
Publisher 롱테일북스
Date of Publication 2024년 01월 02일
Country of Origin Korea
ISBN 9791191343601
Language Korean, English
N. of Pages 228쪽
Size/Weight 168 * 230 * 13 mm
Author/Editor 지나인
Publisher 롱테일북스
Date of Publication 2024년 01월 02일
Country of Origin Korea
ISBN 9791191343601
Language Korean, English
N. of Pages 228쪽
Size/Weight 168 * 230 * 13 mm
Author/Editor 지나인
Publisher 롱테일북스
Date of Publication 2024년 01월 02일
Country of Origin Korea
전 세계 학습자 1,200만 명 이상의 세계 최대의 한국어 교육 사이트 Talk To Me In Korean과 함께 한국어 공부를!
TalkToMeInKorean.com은 해외에서 먼저 인정받은 최고의 한국어 교육 웹사이트로 현재 전 세계 1,200만 명의 학습자들이 Talk To Me In Korean에서 무료로 제공되는 강의를 통해 한국어, 그리고 더 나아가 한국에 대해 배우고 있다.
Korean Folktales in Everyday Conversation: Must-Know Stories for Korean Learners (Intermediate)는 한국어를 공부하고 싶어 하는 중급 학습자들이 재미있는 이야기를 통해 한국어를 공부할 수 있도록 도와주는 책이다. 총 15개의 이야기와 함께 영어 번역, 단어 리스트, 이야기에 쓰인 문법 리스트를 제공하고 있다.
TalkToMeInKorean.com has provided FREE Korean language learning content to 12 million learners around the globe since 2009, and with over 1,400 lessons published on the official website at TalkToMeInKorean.com, it has become the largest community in the world for Korean learners.
Korean Folktales in Everyday Conversation: Must-Know Stories for Korean Learners (Intermediate) is a book that helps intermediate learners who want to study Korean learn it through interesting stories. This book offers a total of 15 stories, as well as English translations, vocabulary lists, and grammar lists relating to each story.
Study Korean with Talk To Me In Korean, the world's largest Korean language education site with more than 12 million learners around the world!
TalkToMeInKorean.com is the best Korean language education website recognized first overseas, and now 12 million learners around the world are learning about the Korean language, and furthermore, Korea, through free lectures on Talk To Me In Korean.
Korean Folktales in Everyday Conversation: Must-Know Stories for Korean Learners (Intermediate) is a book that helps intermediate learners who want to study Korean learn Korean through interesting stories. It provides English translation, word lists, and grammar lists used in stories along with a total of 15 stories.
TalkToMeInKorean.com has provided FREE Korean language learning content to 12 million learners around the globe since 2009, and with over 1,400 lessons published on the official website at TalkToMeInKorean.com, it has become the largest community in the world for Korean learners.
Korean Folktales in Everyday Conversation: Must-Know Stories for Korean Learners (Intermediate) is a book that helps intermediate learners who want to study Korean learn it through interesting stories. This book offers a total of 15 stories, as well as English translations, vocabulary lists, and grammar lists relating to each story.
Étudiez le coréen avec Talk To Me En coréen, le plus grand site d'enseignement de la langue coréenne au monde avec plus de 12 millions d'apprenants dans le monde!
TalkToMeInKorean.com est le meilleur site d'enseignement de la langue coréenne reconnu pour la première fois outre-mer, et maintenant 12 millions d'apprenants dans le monde apprennent le coréen, et de plus, la Corée, grâce à des conférences gratuites sur Talk To Me In Korean.
Les contes populaires coréens dans la conversation quotidienne : Must-Know Stories for Korean Learners (Intermédiaire) est un livre qui aide les apprenants intermédiaires qui veulent étudier le coréen à apprendre le coréen à travers des histoires intéressantes. Il fournit des traductions en anglais, des listes de mots et des listes de grammaire utilisées dans les histoires, ainsi qu'un total de 15 histoires.
TalkToMeInKorean.com offre un contenu gratuit d'apprentissage de la langue coréenne à 12 millions d'apprenants dans le monde depuis 2009 et avec plus de 1400 leçons publiées sur le site officiel de TalkToMeInKorean.com , elle est devenue la plus grande communauté au monde pour les apprenants coréens.
Les contes populaires coréens dans la conversation quotidienne : Must-Know Stories for Korean Learners (Intermédiaire) est un livre qui aide les apprenants intermédiaires qui veulent étudier le coréen à l'apprendre au moyen d'histoires intéressantes. Ce livre offre un total de 15 histoires, ainsi que des traductions en anglais, des listes de vocabulaire et des listes de grammaire relatives à chaque histoire.
How To Use This Book
01 I Am Not Scared of Tigers!
호랑이와 곶감 The Tiger and the Dried Persimmon
02 Whatever You Say, I Will Do the Opposite.
청개구리 이야기 The Green Frogs
03 Darkness Cannot Stop Us
한석봉과 어머니 Han Seokbong and His Mother
04 Magpies Never Forget
은혜 갚은 까치 The Magpie Which Repaid a Favor
05 Or Else I Will Eat You.
해와 달이 된 남매 The Brother and Sister Who Became the Sun and the Moon
06 No bottom, No gain
콩쥐 팥쥐 Kongjwi and Patjwi
07 Uh-oh, This Is Unexpected.
혹부리 할아버지 The Old Man with a Lump
08 Making a Long Distance Relationship Work
견우와 직녀 Gyeonu and Jiknyeo
09 Confidence Maketh Con Man
대동강을 판 김 선달 Seondal Kim Who Sold the Daedong River
10 Don’t Be Greedy, Bro!
흥부와 놀부 Heungbu and Nolbu
11 How to Become an Actual Cow-boy
소가 된 게으름뱅이 The Lazy Man Who Became a Cow
12 Doppelganger Alert
손톱 먹은 쥐 The Mouse That Ate Fingernails
13 A Huge Fan of Garlic
단군 이야기 The Dan-gun Story
14 Someone Is In My House!
우렁이 각시 The Snail Bride
15 The Most Famous Name In Korea
홍길동전 The Tale of Hong Gildong