Go Go 카카오프렌즈 (20) 한국 3 Go Go Kakao Friends (20) Korea 3

Only 3 available

ISBN 9788950995034

Language Korean

N. of Pages 176쪽

Size/Weight 189 * 257 * 17 mm / 651 g

Author/Editor 김미영, 김정한

Publisher OwlBook

Date of Publication 2021년 05월 26일

Country of Origin Korea

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ISBN 9788950995034

Language Korean

N. of Pages 176쪽

Size/Weight 189 * 257 * 17 mm / 651 g

Author/Editor 김미영, 김정한

Publisher OwlBook

Date of Publication 2021년 05월 26일

Country of Origin Korea

ISBN 9788950995034

Language Korean

N. of Pages 176쪽

Size/Weight 189 * 257 * 17 mm / 651 g

Author/Editor 김미영, 김정한

Publisher OwlBook

Date of Publication 2021년 05월 26일

Country of Origin Korea

한국 퍼즐을 찾을 마지막 기회가 왔다!

한국 퍼즐을 되찾기 위한 마지막 여정이 시작됐어! 한국 역사의 최초를 기록한 일연 스님을 시작으로 과거급제를 꿈꾸던 학생들이 가득한 서당과 제주의 부자 김만덕이 꿈꾸던 아름다운 금강산도 가지. 관리는 백성을 위해야 한다고 적은 목민심서가 완성된 다산초당과 못된 관리를 몰아내고 더 나은 삶을 꿈꾼 동학농민운동의 현장까지 평범하지만 특별한 백성들의 이야기를 담은 뜨거운 현장을 찾아다녔어. 카카오프렌즈는 한국 퍼즐을 되찾을 마지막 기회를 잡았을까?

The last chance to find a Korean puzzle is here!
The final journey to get the Korean puzzle back has begun! Starting with Monk Ilyeon, who recorded the first time in Korean history, we will also visit a village school full of students who dreamed of passing the examination in the past and a beautiful Geumgangsan Mountain that Kim Man-deok, a rich man in Jeju, dreamed of. I visited Dasan Chodang, where the Mokmin Simseo, which wrote that officials should be for the people, and the site of the Donghak Peasant Movement, which drove out evil officials and dreamed of a better life, to find a hot place with ordinary but special people's stories. Did Kakao Friends take the last chance to get back the Korean puzzle?

La dernière chance de trouver un puzzle coréen est ici !
Le dernier voyage pour récupérer le puzzle coréen a commencé ! En commençant par Monk Ilyeon, qui a enregistré la première fois dans l'histoire coréenne, nous visiterons aussi une école de village pleine d'étudiants qui rêvaient de réussir l'examen dans le passé et une magnifique montagne de Gyeongsan dont Kim Man-deok, riche à Jeju, rêvait. J'ai visité Dasan Chodang, où le Mokmin Simseo, qui a écrit que les officiels devraient être pour le peuple, et le site du mouvement paysan de Tsangang, qui a conduit les mauvais fonctionnaires et rêvait d'une vie meilleure, pour trouver un endroit chaud avec des histoires populaires ordinaires mais spéciales. Est-ce que les amis de Hyeong ont pris la dernière chance de récupérer le puzzle coréen ?

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