K-포엣 시리즈 14) 마트료시카 시침판 연구회 K-Poet 14) The Society for Studies in Matryoshka and Basting Pins
ISBN 9791156624974
Language English
N. of Pages 144쪽
Size/Weight 115 * 188 mm
Author/Editor 유형진
Publisher 아시아
Date of Publication 2020년 06월 30일
Country of Origin Korea
ISBN 9791156624974
Language English
N. of Pages 144쪽
Size/Weight 115 * 188 mm
Author/Editor 유형진
Publisher 아시아
Date of Publication 2020년 06월 30일
Country of Origin Korea
ISBN 9791156624974
Language English
N. of Pages 144쪽
Size/Weight 115 * 188 mm
Author/Editor 유형진
Publisher 아시아
Date of Publication 2020년 06월 30일
Country of Origin Korea
책 소개
세상과 우리, 열어도 열어도 이어지는 그 판타지와 알레고리에 대하여
유형진 신작 시집 『마트료시카 시침핀 연구회』 영문판
언제나 머리맡에 두고 읽고 싶은 한국 시의 정수를 소개하는 ‘K-포엣’ 시리즈. 시간이 흘러도 명작으로 손꼽힐 한국 시들을 독자들에게 소개함과 동시에 영문으로 번역하여 전 세계에 알리어 한국문학을 세계문학으로 발돋움시키고 있다.
‘K-포엣’ 시리즈 열네 번째는 유형진의 신작 시선집 『마트료시카 시침핀 연구회』다. ‘K-포엣’ 시리즈에서는 처음 선보이는 연작시집이며, 유형진은 “이 연작시들은 모두 2016년 가을부터 모이게 된 광화문 광장의 사람들에게 빚지고 있다”고 말한다. 박동억 문학평론가는 “유형진의 시는 마트료시카의 존재 방식과 닮아있다”며, “여러 겹의 환상으로 이루어진 세계를 구상하는 작업”이 바로 유형진만의 시 세계라고 평한다. 유형진은 ‘환상’으로 만들어진 찰나의 순간들을 ‘시침핀’으로 고정하고, 그 알레고리 안의 무수한 이야기들을 아름답게 포장된 선물 상자처럼 건네준다.
유형진의 『마트료시카 시침핀 연구회』 영문 버전은, 바이링궐 한글 소설 선집에 참여한 장정화번역가와 그의 남편인 앤드루 J 키스트 번역가와 공동으로 작업하였다. 유형진 시인의 시를 오랜 시간 동안 바라본 두 번역가가 합작으로 작업하여 시의 감성과 이해도를 높였다.
About the book
About the world and us, its fantasies and allegories that keep opening and closing
A new collection of poems by Hyungjin Yoo in English from Matryoshka Shichimpin Research Society
The 'K-Poetry' series introduces the essence of Korean poetry that you will always want to keep by your bedside. In addition to introducing readers to Korean poems that will stand the test of time as masterpieces, the series also translates them into English and makes them known around the world, promoting Korean literature as world literature.
The fourteenth volume in the K-Poetry series is a new anthology of poems by Hyung Jin Tae. "I am indebted to the people of Gwanghwamun Square, where I have been gathering since autumn 2016," he says of the collection, which is the first in the 'K-Poetry' series. Literary critic Park Dong-kyung says, "His poetry is similar to Matryoshka's way of being," and that "conceiving a world made up of many layers of illusion" is his own poetic world. He fixes the fleeting moments made of 'illusions' with 'hourglass pins' and delivers the myriad stories in the allegory like a beautifully wrapped gift box.
The English translation of Tae-Jin's Matryoshka Sichimpin Study Group is a collaboration with translator Jung Hwa Jang and her husband, Andrew J. Kist, who contributed to the Bai Lingguoqun Korean fiction anthology. The two translators, who have spent a long time looking at the poet's poems, have worked together to enhance the sensitivity and understanding of the poems.
À propos du livre
Sur le monde et nous, ses fantasmes et allégories qui continuent d'ouvrir et de fermer
Un nouveau recueil de poèmes de Hyungjin Yoo en anglais de Matryoshka Shichimpin Research Society
La série 'K-Poetry' présente l'essence de la poésie coréenne que vous voudrez toujours garder à votre chevet. En plus d'initier les lecteurs à des poèmes coréens qui résisteront à l'épreuve du temps comme chefs-d'œuvre, la série les traduit en anglais et les fait connaître partout dans le monde, faisant la promotion de la littérature coréenne comme littérature mondiale.
Le quatorzième volume de la série K-Poetry est une nouvelle anthologie de poèmes de Hyung Jin Tae. "Je suis redevable à la population de la place Gwangwamwamwam, où je me rassemble depuis l'automne 2016", dit-il de la collection, qui est la première de la série 'K-Poetry'. Le critique littéraire Park Dong-kyung dit, "Sa poésie ressemble à la façon d'être de Matryoshka", et que "concevoir un monde composé de plusieurs couches d'illusion" est son propre monde poétique. Il répare les moments fugaces faits d'illusions avec des épingles à sablier et livre la myriade d'histoires dans l'allégorie comme une boîte cadeau magnifiquement enveloppée.
La traduction anglaise du groupe d'étude Matryoshka Sichimpin de Tae-Jin est une collaboration avec le traducteur Jung Hwa Jang et son mari, Andrew J. Kist, qui ont contribué à l'anthologie de la fiction coréenne Bai Lingguoqun. Les deux traducteurs, qui ont passé beaucoup de temps à regarder les poèmes du poète, ont travaillé ensemble pour améliorer la sensibilité et la compréhension des poèmes.
Table of Contents
The Society for Studies in Matryoshka and Basting Pins
─ Blood of Mercury
─ Lead Boned Human
─ The Era of the Crumbling Cathedral
─ A Fellow with Pockets Turned Out
─ Under a Fallen Oak, Where a Typhoon Has Gone Through
─ The Depth of Snow
─ Black Aunty, Song-ok and a Story from the Cabinet With Mother-of-Pearl
─ Snows of Worry
─ Sequence Without Variation
─ The Method of Love Between a Rosewood Spatula and a Silicone Spatula
─ Broccoli Head in Search of “Tiger Antiques”
─ Today, Under the Influence of High Pressure Cloud Watcher
─ Deok-su’s Shoes
─ Hope’s Vanishing Point
─ Missing
─ The Previous Life of a Singer
─ Rain Falling on the Village of van Gogh
─ A Stroll
─ The Doll’s Red Boot
Poet’s Note
Poet’s Essay
What They Say About Yu Hyoung-Jin
Into the book
By this time, I’ve come to know quite well that all of those thoughts are “useless”.
However I might complain of having lost the ability to write, my writing of poetry
shall continue, should there be but a single reader who will read my poems. That is
my “poetry of love”.
From “Poet’s Note”
These reveries of Yu Hyoung-Jin, with their similarities to fairy tales, at last reach
the moment of “listening”, as opposed to the moment of “speaking”. Not by giving
my heart to you, she learns, but by listening carefully to your heart, the poet has
achieved the point for which she had set her course, even if only for a moment.
From “Commentary”