기생 Gisaeng, Speaking Flowers


ISBN 9788991913226

Language Korean, English

N. of Pages 10쪽

Size/Weight 273 * 128 * 5 mm / 90 g

Author/Editor Staff Reporters & Contributors

Publisher Seoul Selection

Date of Publication 2017년 12월 01일

Country of Origin Korea


ISBN 9788991913226

Language Korean, English

N. of Pages 10쪽

Size/Weight 273 * 128 * 5 mm / 90 g

Author/Editor Staff Reporters & Contributors

Publisher Seoul Selection

Date of Publication 2017년 12월 01일

Country of Origin Korea

ISBN 9788991913226

Language Korean, English

N. of Pages 10쪽

Size/Weight 273 * 128 * 5 mm / 90 g

Author/Editor Staff Reporters & Contributors

Publisher Seoul Selection

Date of Publication 2017년 12월 01일

Country of Origin Korea

책 소개

사랑과 이별과 그리움과 시

신사임당, 이매창, 이옥봉, 허난설헌, 황진이의 한시를 각 2수씩, 총 10수를 모았습니다. 조선 여류시인들의 설렘과 사랑, 그리움이 담긴 한시와 한글 번역, 영문 번역, 미인도 일러스트가 어우러져 그윽한 향취를 자아냅니다.

출판사 서평

한 시대를 풍미한 기생들의 연시컬렉션!

● 유명한 기생들의 대표적 시 10수를 영문 번역과 함께 수록

● ‘해어화’라 불리던 기생들의 모습을 현대적 필치로 묘사

조선에서 온 러브레터

조선시대 기생들이 쓴 연시(戀詩)를 영어로 번역한 엽서입니다.

송도기생 황진이, 평양기생 매화, 진주기생 계향 등 시대를 풍미했던 기생들의 대표적 시 10수를 담았습니다.

은은한 느낌의 종이 위에 화사한 일러스트와 애절한 연시가 영문 번역과 어우러집니다.


SPEAKING FLOWERS: Gisaeng - Love Letters from the Joseon Dynasty

Ten traditional Korean beauties reciting their heartfelt poems on each postcard, in Korean and English

Can be closed with a Korean traditional seal?keep the nosy neighbors away!

A perfect gift for family and friends Composing a Poem on Horseback Stopping my horse on a road in Seongcheon, I feel anxious as a cuckoo on a spring day with flowers withering. The river passes through Pyeongyang, while the road leads to Gangseollu. Chae Soyeom of Seongcheon: Era unknown. The height of Gisaeng activity was between the 15th and 18th centuries.

About the book

Poems of Love, Parting, and Longing

A collection of ten poems, two each by Sinsa Imdang, Lee Mae-chang, Lee Ok-bong, Henan Seol-heon, and Hwang Jin-yi, with Korean translations, English translations, and beautiful illustrations that capture the excitement, love, and longing of Korean women poets.

Publisher's Book Review

A collection of poems by gisaengs who flavoured an era!

Contains 10 representative poems by famous gisaeng with English translations.

Depicts the lives of gisaengs, who were once called 'haehaehwa', in a modern handwriting.

Love Letters from Joseon

A postcard with English translations of love poems written by gisaeng during the Joseon Dynasty.

It contains 10 representative poems of gisaengs who flavoured the era, such as Hwang Jin-jin from Songdo, Plum Blossom from Pyongyang, and Cinnamon from Jinju.

The colourful illustrations and poignant poems are printed on delicate paper with English translations.

금복이 이야기(5) The Tale of Goldiluck, the Black Kitten 5
추피생활동화 9) 추피가 변장을 했어요 T'choupi in Korean 9) T'choupi se déguise (SayPen)
2000 Essential Korean Words - Intermediate (English ver.)
외국인도 빠져드는 한국밥상 Let's Plunge into Korean Cuisine, You can Make Korean Food!
2000 Essential Korean Words for Beginners (English ver.)