기생 Gisaeng, Speaking Flowers


ISBN 9788991913226

Language Korean, English

N. of Pages 10쪽

Size/Weight 273 * 128 * 5 mm / 90 g

Author/Editor Staff Reporters & Contributors

Publisher Seoul Selection

Date of Publication 2017년 12월 01일

Country of Origin Korea


ISBN 9788991913226

Language Korean, English

N. of Pages 10쪽

Size/Weight 273 * 128 * 5 mm / 90 g

Author/Editor Staff Reporters & Contributors

Publisher Seoul Selection

Date of Publication 2017년 12월 01일

Country of Origin Korea

ISBN 9788991913226

Language Korean, English

N. of Pages 10쪽

Size/Weight 273 * 128 * 5 mm / 90 g

Author/Editor Staff Reporters & Contributors

Publisher Seoul Selection

Date of Publication 2017년 12월 01일

Country of Origin Korea

책 소개

사랑과 이별과 그리움과 시

신사임당, 이매창, 이옥봉, 허난설헌, 황진이의 한시를 각 2수씩, 총 10수를 모았습니다. 조선 여류시인들의 설렘과 사랑, 그리움이 담긴 한시와 한글 번역, 영문 번역, 미인도 일러스트가 어우러져 그윽한 향취를 자아냅니다.

출판사 서평

한 시대를 풍미한 기생들의 연시컬렉션!

● 유명한 기생들의 대표적 시 10수를 영문 번역과 함께 수록

● ‘해어화’라 불리던 기생들의 모습을 현대적 필치로 묘사

조선에서 온 러브레터

조선시대 기생들이 쓴 연시(戀詩)를 영어로 번역한 엽서입니다.

송도기생 황진이, 평양기생 매화, 진주기생 계향 등 시대를 풍미했던 기생들의 대표적 시 10수를 담았습니다.

은은한 느낌의 종이 위에 화사한 일러스트와 애절한 연시가 영문 번역과 어우러집니다.


SPEAKING FLOWERS: Gisaeng - Love Letters from the Joseon Dynasty

Ten traditional Korean beauties reciting their heartfelt poems on each postcard, in Korean and English

Can be closed with a Korean traditional seal?keep the nosy neighbors away!

A perfect gift for family and friends Composing a Poem on Horseback Stopping my horse on a road in Seongcheon, I feel anxious as a cuckoo on a spring day with flowers withering. The river passes through Pyeongyang, while the road leads to Gangseollu. Chae Soyeom of Seongcheon: Era unknown. The height of Gisaeng activity was between the 15th and 18th centuries.

About the book

Poems of Love, Parting, and Longing

A collection of ten poems, two each by Sinsa Imdang, Lee Mae-chang, Lee Ok-bong, Henan Seol-heon, and Hwang Jin-yi, with Korean translations, English translations, and beautiful illustrations that capture the excitement, love, and longing of Korean women poets.

Publisher's Book Review

A collection of poems by gisaengs who flavoured an era!

Contains 10 representative poems by famous gisaeng with English translations.

Depicts the lives of gisaengs, who were once called 'haehaehwa', in a modern handwriting.

Love Letters from Joseon

A postcard with English translations of love poems written by gisaeng during the Joseon Dynasty.

It contains 10 representative poems of gisaengs who flavoured the era, such as Hwang Jin-jin from Songdo, Plum Blossom from Pyongyang, and Cinnamon from Jinju.

The colourful illustrations and poignant poems are printed on delicate paper with English translations.

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