Color your Seoul, Coloring Book
ISBN 9788997639748
Language Korean, English
N. of Pages 10쪽
Size/Weight 185 * 130 mm
Author/Editor 신은지
Publisher Seoul Selection
Date of Publication 2017년 09월 25일
Country of Origin Korea
ISBN 9788997639748
Language Korean, English
N. of Pages 10쪽
Size/Weight 185 * 130 mm
Author/Editor 신은지
Publisher Seoul Selection
Date of Publication 2017년 09월 25일
Country of Origin Korea
ISBN 9788997639748
Language Korean, English
N. of Pages 10쪽
Size/Weight 185 * 130 mm
Author/Editor 신은지
Publisher Seoul Selection
Date of Publication 2017년 09월 25일
Country of Origin Korea
책 소개
『Color your Seoul』은 서울의 명소들을 직접 색칠해 볼 수 있는 컬러링엽서세트로서 엽서 앞면에 장소명이 한국어와 영어로 병기되어 있으며, 뒷면에 해당 장소에 대한 영문 설명이 있어 외국인 친구들에게 선물하기 좋다.
광화문(Gwanghwamun Gate)
경복궁의 정문
The main gate to Gyeongbokgung Palace
N서울타워(N Seoul Tower)
서울이 한 눈에 내려다보이는 남산에 세워진 전파탑 전망대
A radio tower and observatory built on top of Mount Namsan, a mountain famous for its view of the Seoul cityscape
북촌한옥마을(Bukchon Hanok Village)
서울의 대표적인 한옥 밀집지역
A traditional village full of Hanok, a traditional Korean house, in Seoul
선악을 판단할 줄 알고, 화재나 재앙을 물리친다고 알려진 전설 속의 동물
A legendary creature known to distinguish good from evil and prevent fires and disasters
청계천(Cheonggyecheon Stream)
서울 도심을 가로지르는 하천
A stream that flows across downtown Seoul
63빌딩(Seoul 63 Square)
금융중심지 여의도에 있는 63층의 마천루
The 63-story skyscraper in Yeouido, the financial hub of Korea
동대문 디자인 플라자(Dongdaemun Design Plaza)
세계적 건축가 자하 하디드가 설계한, 동대문 지역에 위치한 복합문화공간
A multi-complex cultural space in the Dongdaemun area, designed by the world-renowned architect Zaha Hadid
경복궁(Gyeongbokgung Palace)
1395년에 지어진 조선 왕조의 대표 궁궐
The main royal palace of Joseon Dynasty, built in 1395
한남대교(Hannamdaegyo Bridge)
북쪽의 한남동과 남쪽의 신사동을 잇는 한강 다리
A bridge connecting Hannam-dong in the north and Sinsa-dong in the south across Hangang River
한양도성(Seoul City Wall)
서울을 둘러싸고 있는 약 18km 길이의 조선시대 성곽
The 18-kilometer city wall surrounding Seoul, built during the Joseon Dynasty
엽서 뒷면
장소의 영문명과 영문설명이 있어요~
출판사 서평
서울의 명소 10곳을 색칠하는 컬러링엽서세트
나만의 색으로 완성하는 서울의 10가지 랜드마크!
서울의 명소들이 당신의 손끝에서 피어납니다.
Color ten of Seoul’s landmarks with your own selection of colors
You can create your own versions of attractions in Seoul
서울의 명소들을 직접 색칠해 볼 수 있는 컬러링엽서세트입니다. 엽서 앞면에 장소명이 한국어와 영어로 병기되어 있으며, 뒷면에 해당 장소에 대한 영문 설명이 있어 외국인 친구들에게 선물하기 좋습니다.
About the book
"Colour your Seoul is a set of colouring postcards that you can colour in yourself, with the name of the place on the front of the postcard in Korean and English, and an English description of the place on the back, making it a great gift for your foreign friends.
Gwanghwamun Gate
The main gate to Gyeongbokgung Palace
The main gate to Gyeongbokgung Palace
N Seoul Tower
A radio tower and observatory built on top of Mount Namsan overlooking Seoul
A radio tower and observatory built on top of Mount Namsan, a mountain famous for its view of the Seoul cityscape
Bukchon Hanok Village (Bukchon Hanok Village)
A typical hanok neighbourhood in Seoul
A traditional village full of Hanok, a traditional Korean house, in Seoul
A legendary creature known to be able to judge good and evil and ward off fire and disaster
A legendary creature known to distinguish good from evil and prevent fires and disasters
Cheonggyecheon Stream (Cheonggyecheon Stream)
A stream that flows across downtown Seoul
A stream that flows across downtown Seoul
63빌딩(Seoul 63 Square)
The 63-story skyscraper in the financial centre of Yeouido
The 63-story skyscraper in Yeouido, the financial hub of Korea
Dongdaemun Design Plaza
A multi-complex cultural space in Dongdaemun designed by world-renowned architect Zaha Hadid
A multi-complex cultural space in the Dongdaemun area, designed by the world-renowned architect Zaha Hadid
Gyeongbokgung Palace (Gyeongbokgung Palace)
The main royal palace of Joseon Dynasty, built in 1395
The main royal palace of Joseon Dynasty, built in 1395
Hannamdaegyo Bridge (Hannam Bridge)
A bridge connecting Hannam-dong in the north and Sinsa-dong in the south
A bridge connecting Hannam-dong in the north and Sinsa-dong in the south across Hangang River
Seoul City Wall
The 18-kilometre Joseon Dynasty city wall surrounding Seoul
The 18-kilometre city wall surrounding Seoul, built during the Joseon Dynasty
Back of the postcard
There are English names and descriptions of the places~.
Publisher's Book Review
A set of 10 colouring postcards to colour in Seoul's top attractions
A collection of 10 landmarks in Seoul that you can colour in yourself!
Seoul's landmarks bloom at your fingertips.
Color ten of Seoul's landmarks with your own selection of colours
You can create your own versions of attractions in Seoul
This is a set of colouring postcards that you can colour yourself. The postcards feature the names of the places in Korean and English on the front, and English descriptions of the places on the back, making them a great gift for international friends.
À propos du livre
"Color your Séoul est un ensemble de cartes postales colorées que vous pouvez colorier en vous-même, avec le nom de l'endroit sur le devant de la carte en coréen et en anglais, et une description anglaise de l'endroit au dos, ce qui en fait un super cadeau pour vos amis étrangers.
Table des matières
Porte de Gwangwamwamwam
La porte principale du palais Gyeonggung
La porte principale du palais Gyeonggung
Tour de Séoul
Une tour radio et un observatoire construits au sommet du mont Namsan surplombant Séoul
Une tour radio et un observatoire construit au sommet du mont Namsan, une montagne célèbre pour sa vue sur le paysage urbain de Séoul
Village de Bukchon Hanok (Village de Bukchon Hanok)
Un quartier typique de Hanok à Séoul
Un village traditionnel rempli de Hanok, une maison traditionnelle coréenne, à Séoul
Une créature légendaire capable de juger le bien et le mal et d'éviter le feu et le désastre
Une créature légendaire connue pour distinguer le bien du mal et prévenir les incendies et les catastrophes
Gyeongcheon Stream (Gyeongcheon Stream)
Un ruisseau qui traverse le centre-ville de Séoul
Un ruisseau qui traverse le centre-ville de Séoul
63 빌딩(Séoul 63 Square)
Le gratte-ciel de 63 étages dans le centre financier de Yeyeong
Le gratte-ciel de 63 étages à Yeyeong, le centre financier de la Corée
Dongmun Design Plaza
Un espace culturel complexe à Dongmun conçu par l'architecte de renommée mondiale Zaha Hadid
Un espace culturel complexe dans la région de Dongungung, conçu par l'architecte de renommée mondiale Zaha Hadid
Palais Gyeonggung (Palais Gyeongbokgung)
Le principal palais royal de la dynastie Joseon, construit en 1395
Le principal palais royal de la dynastie Joseon, construit en 1395
Pont Hannamdaegyo (pont Hannam)
Un pont reliant Hannam-dong au nord et Sinsa-dong au sud.
Un pont reliant Hannam-dong au nord et Sinsa-dong au sud de l'autre côté de la rivière Hangang
Mur de la ville de Séoul
Le mur de la dynastie Joseon de 18 kilomètres autour de Séoul
Le mur de 18 kilomètres autour de Séoul, construit pendant la dynastie Joseon
Au dos de la carte postale.
Il y a des noms et descriptions en anglais des lieux~.
Revue du livre de l'éditeur
Une série de 10 cartes postales colorées à colorier dans les principales attractions de Séoul
Une collection de 10 points de repère à Séoul que vous pouvez colorier en vous-même!
Les repères de Séoul fleurissent au bout de vos doigts.
Couleur dix des points de repère de Séoul avec votre propre sélection de couleurs
Vous pouvez créer vos propres versions d'attractions à Séoul
Il s'agit d'un ensemble de cartes postales colorées que vous pouvez colorier vous-même. Les cartes postales présentent les noms des endroits en coréen et en anglais au recto, ainsi que les descriptions en anglais des endroits au verso, ce qui en fait un excellent cadeau pour les amis internationaux.