비즈니스 한국어 1 Business Korean 1
ISBN 9791190154369
Language Korean, English
N. of Pages 168쪽
Size/Weight 189 * 258 * 9 mm / 433 g
Author/Editor 세종학당재단
Publisher Hawoo
Date of Publication 2019년 12월 30일
Country of Origin Korea
ISBN 9791190154369
Language Korean, English
N. of Pages 168쪽
Size/Weight 189 * 258 * 9 mm / 433 g
Author/Editor 세종학당재단
Publisher Hawoo
Date of Publication 2019년 12월 30일
Country of Origin Korea

ISBN 9791190154369
Language Korean, English
N. of Pages 168쪽
Size/Weight 189 * 258 * 9 mm / 433 g
Author/Editor 세종학당재단
Publisher Hawoo
Date of Publication 2019년 12월 30일
Country of Origin Korea
책 소개
Point 1 〈바로 배워 바로 쓰는 비즈니스 한국어 1〉은 세종학당의 비즈니스 한국어 교육과정의 목적에 맞게 학습자들이 기초적인 한국어 의사소통 능력을 바탕으로 비즈니스 상황에 필요한 업무 지식을 배우고, 직무 능력을 향상시키도록 개발되었다.
Point 2 실질적이고 필수적인 비즈니스 업무 지식을 익힐 수 있도록 해외 세종학당 한국어 교사, 한국 Point 2 기업 취업을 희망하는 예비 취업자, 한국 기업의 근로자 및 중간관리자, 기업 담당자를 대상으로 한 요구 조사를 실시하였고, 요구 조사 결과를 바탕으로 학습 내용을 선정하였다.
Point 3 특히 직업 목적 한국어 학습자의 요구와 국외 한국 기업 종사자들의 의견을 수렴하여 직무 상황에서 중요하다고 응답한 내용을 적극적으로 반영하여 순차적으로 배치하였다.
Point 4 학습자가 비즈니스 상황에서 유용하게 사용할 수 있도록 직장 생활에서 흔히 접할 수 있는 필수적인 주제, 어휘, 표현으로 구성하였다.
말하기, 듣기, 읽기, 쓰기의 조화로운 의사소통 능력을 향상시키되 듣기, 말하기를 바탕으로 Point 5 읽기, 쓰기 능력을 함양할 수 있도록 다양하고 실질적인 과제 활동을 포함하였다.
Point 6 〈세종한국어〉와의 연계를 고려하여 〈세종한국어 1, 2〉를 학습한 후 본 교재를 사용할 수 있도록 어휘와 문법을 선정하였다.
a book introduction
Point 1 "Business Korean 1" was developed to help learners learn business knowledge and improve job skills based on basic Korean communication skills in accordance with the purpose of Sejong Institute's business Korean language curriculum.
Point 2 To learn practical and essential business knowledge, a demand survey was conducted for Korean language teachers at Sejong Institute abroad, prospective employees wishing to get a job at Point 2 Korean companies, workers and middle managers of Korean companies, and corporate managers, and learning contents were selected based on the results of the demand survey.
Point 3 In particular, the needs of vocational Korean learners and the opinions of foreign Korean company workers were collected, and the contents that responded as important in the job situation were actively reflected and arranged sequentially.
Point 4 is composed of essential topics, vocabulary, and expressions that are commonly encountered in work life so that learners can use them useful in business situations.
Various and practical task activities were included to improve harmonious communication skills in speaking, listening, reading, and writing, but to cultivate Point 5 reading and writing skills based on listening and speaking.
In consideration of the connection with Point 6 "Sejong Korean", vocabulary and grammar were selected so that this textbook could be used after learning "Sejong Korean 1 and 2".
une introduction au livre
Le point 1 « Business Korean 1 » a été développé pour aider les apprenants à acquérir des connaissances en affaires et à améliorer leurs compétences professionnelles en communication avec le Sejong Institute.
Point 2 Afin d'acquérir des connaissances pratiques et essentielles en affaires, une enquête a été menée auprès des professeurs de langue coréenne à l'Institut Sejong à l'étranger, des employés potentiels souhaitant trouver un emploi au Point 2, des travailleurs et des cadres intermédiaires d'entreprises coréennes. et le contenu de l'apprentissage ont été choisis en fonction des résultats de l'enquête sur la demande.
Point 3 En particulier, les besoins des apprenants professionnels coréens et l'opinion des travailleurs étrangers coréens ont été recueillis, et le contenu qui répondait comme important dans la situation professionnelle a été activement reflété et organisé en séquence.
Le point 4 est composé de sujets essentiels, de vocabulaire et d'expressions que l'on retrouve couramment dans la vie professionnelle afin que les apprenants puissent les utiliser dans des situations d'affaires.
Des activités diverses et pratiques ont été incluses pour améliorer les compétences en communication harmonieuse dans la parole, l'écoute, la lecture et l'écriture, mais pour cultiver les compétences en lecture et en écriture du point 5 en fonction de l'écoute et de la parole.
Compte tenu du lien avec le point 6 « Sejong Korean », le vocabulaire et la grammaire ont été choisis afin que ce manuel puisse être utilisé après avoir appris « Sejong Korean 1 et 2 ».
교재 구성표
단원 구성
01. 구직 활동
Part 1 한국어나 영어 성적이 있습니까?
Part 2 1년 동안 어학연수를 했습니다
02. 면접 준비
Part 1 세종전자에서 근무한 경험이 있습니다
Part 2 한국어를 잘할 수 있습니다
03. 부서와 직급
Part 1 다음 주에 신제품이 나오기 때문에 일이 많습니다
Part 2 일이 재미있는 편입니다
04. 인사
Part 1 꼭 필요한 사원이 됐으면 좋겠습니다
Part 2 도와주신 덕분에 일이 잘 끝났습니다
05. 회사 생활
Part 1 오늘 퇴근하기 전에 제출하세요
Part 2 회식을 했는데 재미있었어요
06. 일상생활
Part 1 오늘 퇴근하기 전에 제출하세요
Part 2 회식을 했는데 재미있었어요
07. 업무 전화
Part 1 회의하러 가신 것 같습니다
Part 2 거래처에서 전화 왔음
08. 휴가
Part 1 휴가를 가려고 합니다
Part 2 밤 10시에 체크인을 해도 돼요?
09. 고객 응대
Part 1 통화 중이니까 잠깐만 기다려 주세요
Part 2 회사를 좀 둘러보시겠습니까?
10. 회의
Part 1 회의 자료를 복사해 줄래요?
Part 2 인터넷 광고를 하는 것이 어떻습니까?
11. 출장
Part 1 출장비를 받으려면 어떻게 해야 해요?
Part 2 시장 조사를 해 봅시다
12. 보고 1
Part 1 작거나 가벼운 상품에 관심이 많습니다
Part 2 내일까지 보고서를 올리기로 했습니다
듣기 대본
문법 설명
동사/형용사 활용표
어휘 및 표현 색인
듣기 파일 목차
About the book
Point 1 'Business Korean 1' was developed in line with the purpose of Sejong Institute's business Korean curriculum to help learners learn business knowledge necessary for business situations based on basic Korean communication skills and improve their job skills.
Point 2 To ensure that learners acquire practical and essential business work knowledge, a needs survey was conducted among Korean language teachers at Sejong Institute overseas, prospective employees who want to work in Korean Point 2 companies, workers and middle managers in Korean companies, and corporate representatives, and the learning contents were selected based on the results of the needs survey.
Point 3 In particular, we gathered the needs of Korean language learners for professional purposes and the opinions of workers in Korean companies abroad, and actively reflected the contents that they responded as important in work situations and arranged them sequentially.
Point 4 Essential topics, vocabulary, and expressions that are commonly encountered in the workplace are organised so that learners can use them in business situations.
Point 5 Various practical task activities are included to enhance the learners' ability to communicate harmoniously by speaking, listening, reading, and writing, and to develop their reading and writing skills based on listening and speaking.
Point 6 Considering the connection with 'Sejong Korean', vocabulary and grammar were selected so that this book can be used after learning 'Sejong Korean 1 and 2'.
Organising units
01. Job hunting
Part 1 Do you have grades in Korean or English?
Part 2 I've been studying a language for a year
02. Interview Preparation
Part 1 I have experience working at Sejong Electronics
Part 2 I can speak Korean well
03. Department and position
Part 1 I have a lot of work because we have a new product coming out next week
Part 2 My work is interesting
04. greetings
Part 1 I hope to be an indispensable employee
Part 2 The job went well thanks to your help
Review 2
05. company life
Part 1 Hand it in before you leave work today
Part 2 We had a company dinner and it was fun
06. Daily life
Part 1 Please submit before you leave work today
Part 2 I had a company dinner and it was fun
Review 3
07. Business calls
Part 1 I think you're in a meeting
Part 2 A client called me
08. holiday
Part 1 I'm going on holiday
Part 2 Can I check in at 10pm?
09. Dealing with customers
Part 1 I'm on the phone, please hold on a moment
Part 2 Would you like a tour of the company?
10. Meetings
Part 1 Can I have a copy of the meeting materials?
Part 2 How about doing an internet advert?
11. Business trips
Part 1 How do I get paid for travelling?
Part 2 Let's do some market research
12. Reporting 1
Part 1 I'm interested in small or lightweight products
Part 2 I will post my report by tomorrow
Review 6
Listening transcript
Grammar Explanations
Verb/adjective conjugation table
Index of vocabulary and expressions
Listening file table of contents