추피생활동화 7) 추피가 화났어요 T'choupi in Korean 7) T'choupi est en colère (SayPen)


ISBN 9791159426292

Language Korean

N. of Pages 28쪽

Size/Weight 162 * 169 * 6 mm / 109 g

Author/Editor Thierry Courtin

Publisher Mujigae(무지개)

Date of Publication 2021년 11월 18일

Country of Origin Korea


ISBN 9791159426292

Language Korean

N. of Pages 28쪽

Size/Weight 162 * 169 * 6 mm / 109 g

Author/Editor Thierry Courtin

Publisher Mujigae(무지개)

Date of Publication 2021년 11월 18일

Country of Origin Korea

ISBN 9791159426292

Language Korean

N. of Pages 28쪽

Size/Weight 162 * 169 * 6 mm / 109 g

Author/Editor Thierry Courtin

Publisher Mujigae(무지개)

Date of Publication 2021년 11월 18일

Country of Origin Korea

책 소개

추피는 엄마 때문에 무척 화가 났어요! 그래서 할머니 집에 가기로 하는데...


Book Introduction

T'choupi was very angry with his mother! So he decides to go to his grandmother's house...

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