추피생활동화 21) 추피가 엄마의 선물을 준비했어요 T'choupi in Korean 21) T'choupi fait une surprise à maman (SayPen)
ISBN 9791159426421
Language Korean
N. of Pages 26쪽
Size/Weight 162 * 169 * 7 mm / 120 g
Author/Editor Thierry Courtin
Publisher Mujigae(무지개)
Date of Publication 2021년 11월 18일
Country of Origin Korea
ISBN 9791159426421
Language Korean
N. of Pages 26쪽
Size/Weight 162 * 169 * 7 mm / 120 g
Author/Editor Thierry Courtin
Publisher Mujigae(무지개)
Date of Publication 2021년 11월 18일
Country of Origin Korea
ISBN 9791159426421
Language Korean
N. of Pages 26쪽
Size/Weight 162 * 169 * 7 mm / 120 g
Author/Editor Thierry Courtin
Publisher Mujigae(무지개)
Date of Publication 2021년 11월 18일
Country of Origin Korea
책 소개
오늘 추피는 엄마를 위해 선물을 준비했어요. 쉿, 엄마 모르게 준비해야 해요!
About the book
Today T'choupi has a present for her mum, but shhh, she has to do it without her mum knowing!
À propos du livre
Aujourd'hui T'choupi a un cadeau pour sa mère, mais chut, elle doit le faire sans que sa mère le sache !