추피생활동화 19) 추피가 소풍을 가요 T'choupi in Korean 19) T'choupi part en pique-nique (SayPen)
ISBN 9791159426414
Language Korean
N. of Pages 24쪽
Size/Weight 160 * 167 * 5 mm / 135 g
Author/Editor Thierry Courtin
Publisher Mujigae(무지개)
Date of Publication 2020년 08월 01일
Country of Origin Korea
ISBN 9791159426414
Language Korean
N. of Pages 24쪽
Size/Weight 160 * 167 * 5 mm / 135 g
Author/Editor Thierry Courtin
Publisher Mujigae(무지개)
Date of Publication 2020년 08월 01일
Country of Origin Korea
ISBN 9791159426414
Language Korean
N. of Pages 24쪽
Size/Weight 160 * 167 * 5 mm / 135 g
Author/Editor Thierry Courtin
Publisher Mujigae(무지개)
Date of Publication 2020년 08월 01일
Country of Origin Korea
책 소개
추피는 할머니, 할아버지랑 소풍을 갔어요. 자, 출발!
Book Introduction
T'choupi went on a picnic with her grandmother and grandfather. Now, let's go!
Introduction au livre
T'choupi est allée pique-niquer avec sa grand-mère et son grand-père. Maintenant, allons-y !