천예록 2 (Record of the Edge of Heaven Cheonyerok 2)


ISBN 9781635190588

Language English

N. of Pages 284쪽

Size/Weight 141 * 210 * 22 mm / 494 g

Author/Editor 임방

Publisher 공앤박

Date of Publication 2023년 10월 23일

Country of Origin Korea


ISBN 9781635190588

Language English

N. of Pages 284쪽

Size/Weight 141 * 210 * 22 mm / 494 g

Author/Editor 임방

Publisher 공앤박

Date of Publication 2023년 10월 23일

Country of Origin Korea

ISBN 9781635190588

Language English

N. of Pages 284쪽

Size/Weight 141 * 210 * 22 mm / 494 g

Author/Editor 임방

Publisher 공앤박

Date of Publication 2023년 10월 23일

Country of Origin Korea

책 소개

17세기 한국 사회와 당대 사람들의 세계관을 엿볼 수 있는

한국의 대표적 판타지 문학을 전문가들의 영문 번역본으로 만난다!

A collection of vernacular stories from the Joseon dynasty,

in which the imaginations of Korean people are projected through mythical beings like mountain spirits and ghosts!

이 책은 한국 조선 시대에 쓰여진,

신선과 귀신 등 한국인의 판타지적 상상력을 엿볼 수 있는 야담집으로

Kong & Park KOREAN CLASSICS 두 번째 권입니다.

Kong & Park KOREAN CLASSICS은 한국과 한국 문화를 이해하고

현대인의 공동 가치에 부합하는 한국 고전을 발견, 세계인에게 소개하는 시리즈입니다.

Kong & Park KOREAN CLASSICS은 한국을 깊이 있게 이해하고 다양한 문화를 포용하는 세계 수많은 독자들에게 의미 있고 색다른 즐거움을 안겨 줄 것입니다.

This book is a collection of vernacular stories from the Joseon dynasty,

in which the imaginations of Korean people are projected

through mythical beings like mountain spirits and ghosts.

It is the second publication of Kong & Park KOREAN CLASSICS.

Kong & Park KOREAN CLASSICS is a series that introduces global readers to Korea and Korean culture and allows them to discover Korean classic stories that

reflect modern-day values. Kong & Park KOREAN CLASSICS provide meaningful and

unique enjoyment to countless readers from around the world who seek a deeper understanding of Korea and embrace a variety of cultures.

■ 특징 (Features)


《어우야담》 이후 가장 앞선 시기에 편찬된 조선 후기의 본격 야담집입니다. 한국 판타지 문학의 대표작으로서 그 문학사적 의의가 큽니다.

Record of the Edge of Heaven is the second set of vernacular stories to be compiled in the late Joseon dynasty following Eou’s Unofficial Histories. As a pivotal work of Korean fantasy, it carries significant value in literary history.


이 책에 실린 이야기들을 통해 당대 사람들이 겪는 사회적 문제와 갈등, 잘 이해되지 않는 자연 현상과 알려지지 않은 세계에 대한 당대인들의 인식, 유토피아적 세계를 향한 열망 등을 짐작할 수 있습니다.

The stories in the book will introduce readers to various aspects of the period. Readers will be able to envision the social problems and conflicts of the time through the lens of Joseon people, understand their insight into mysterious natural hazards and the unknown realm, and sense their desire for a utopian world.


이 책을 통해 한국의 문화뿐만 아니라 한국인들의 상상력, 사고방식, 다양한 세계관 등을 탐구할 수 있습니다.

Through this book, readers will experience not only Korean culture, but also Korean people’s imagination, mentality, and diverse views on the world.

출판사 서평

줄거리 (Synopsis)

 이 작품은

격동의 17세기 한국 사회를 살았던 문신(文臣) 임방이 세상을 떠나기 전까지 집필한 한문 야담집입니다. 전 2권으로 구성된 《천예록》에 수록된 총 62편은 인간의 생각으로는 이해하기 힘든 기이하고 경이로운 이야기들로, 실존 인물과 신선 및 귀신, 요괴 등 가공의 캐릭터들이 함께 등장하여 판타지한 세계를 펼쳐냅니다. 현대 사람들은 《천예록》을 통해 17세기 조선 사회를 이해하고 당대인들의 세계관 및 생활상을 엿볼 수 있습니다. 이때 ‘천예(天倪)’는 하늘의 끝이자 땅과의 경계를 의미합니다. 즉, 이 책에 수록된 작품들이 인간 세계 너머의 판타지한 세계를 그렸음을 나타냅니다.

Originally, 《Record of the Edge of Heaven》 is a sinographic book of tales written by Im Bang, a civil official at the royal court who lived through the tumultuous 17th-century Joseon. This two-volume book includes 62 paranormal stories of mystery and wonder occurring in a magical world, where real-life characters and mythical beings like mountain spirits, ghosts, and monsters dwell together. Reading the 《Record of the Edge of Heaven》 will help modern-day people better understand the Joseon society of the 17th century, as well as its people’s states of mind and life. ‘Cheonye’ in the original title stands for the edge of heaven or the border between the land and the sky. That is to say, the stories in this book take place in the fantastical realm beyond the world of mortals.



25. Literary Licentiate Seong’s Fierce Wife Has His Shins Struck with a Heavy Stick

26. The Envious Wife of Army Commander Wu Cuts off His Beard

27. Striking a Dim-Witted Descendant with a Stick a Number of Times for His Foolish Error

28. Summoning a Descendant to Tell Him Where the True Tomb Is

29. Paying a Visit on a Birthday and Asking Relief for a Starving Stomach

30. While Gathering for the Anniversary of a Death, a Spirit Is Ashamed to Participate Because

of His Tattered Clothing

31. Having Food Brought Out to Treat a Ghost and Save a Child

32. Writing an Oration and Performing a Rite to Save a Village

33. Scholar Shin Invites a Student to Go Lecture on the Classics

34. Daoist Maeng Takes One on an Excursion to Write Responsory Poems

35. An Old Woman Turns into an Evil Spirit at the Home of a Scholar

36. An Obdurate Young Man Causes a Plague at a Family Banquet

37. Examinee-in-Training Yi Rents Houses and Sees Peculiarities

38. Third-Rank Commander Choe Temporarily Resides at a House and Meets an Evil Spirit

39. The Soul of a Snake Causes Calamities at the Late Councilor’s Residence

40. A Bewitching Rat Snake Turns into a Child at a Soldier’s House

41. Mr. Jeong Has Student Kwon Deliver a Letter

42. Minister Won Appears and Asks Grand Councilor Heo to Write a Letter

43. The Breaking and Tearing of an Enshrined Portrait Is Ultimately Avenged

44. When One Discusses the Removal of an Academy’s Enshrined Tablet, Calamities Ensue

45. A Scholar Meets His Deceased Teacher in the Honam Region

46. A Military Magistrate Says He Saw the Deceased Father of the Ahn Residence

47. Bearing a Bewitching Fox on One’s Back and Feeling Sorry When It Is Set Free

48. Regretting That the Hand Holding a Leopard-Cat Monster Loosened Its Grip

49. A Clever Shaman Astounds a Magistrate at Gwanghan Pavilion

50. A Son Is Deeply Moved by a Shamanic Rite to the Spirits near the Yongsan River 51. On the Road to Taein, the Head of an Arrow Is Shot into a Fierce Monk

52. At Noryangjin, Bond Servants of a Powerful Family Are Beaten with a Stirrup53. Obtaining a Treasure Worth Ten Thousand Nyang in a Rainwater Pool 54. Collecting Two Gok of Gems from an Island in the Sea

55. A Magistrate in the Gwanbuk Region Thrusts a Sword into a Foul-Smelling Monster

56. Driving Away Three Ghosts with One’s Fist at a Frontier Garrison 57. A Messenger Is Sent to a Senior Minister to Designate the Site of a Shrine

58. As Shown in a Dream, a Scholar Drives Away Evil Thieves 59. Using a Knife in Place of a Pearl Fan to Become the Legal Wife 60. Carrying Rotting Meat under One’s Armpits to Maintain Fidelity

61. Keeping Watch Alone over Empty Dormitories and Passing the State Examination in First

Place 62. Indiscriminately Entering the Palace Garden and Ascending to the Level of a Prominent


*Glossary of Personal Names for Volumes 1 & 2

K-픽션 시리즈 16) 체스의 모든 것 K-Fiction Series 16) Everything About Chess
광주 Witnessing Gwangju
K-픽션 시리즈 19) 어느 피씨주의자의 종생기 K-Fiction Series 19) The Story of P.C.
사람이 되고 싶었던 호랑이와 곰(단군 신화) Le tigre et l'ours qui voulaient devenir des hommes (Le mythe de Dangun) (KR/FR)
K-포엣 시리즈 13) 여름만 있는 계절에 네가 왔다 K-Poet 13) You Arrived in the Season of Perennial Summer