서울대 한국어 1B Student's book(QR 버전) Seoul University Korean 1B - QR Audio
ISBN 9788953949454
Language Korean, English
N. of Pages 244쪽
Size/Weight 210 * 280 mm
Author/Editor 서울대학교 언어교육원
Publisher Two Ponds
Date of Publication 2013년 03월 01일
Country of Origin Korea
ISBN 9788953949454
Language Korean, English
N. of Pages 244쪽
Size/Weight 210 * 280 mm
Author/Editor 서울대학교 언어교육원
Publisher Two Ponds
Date of Publication 2013년 03월 01일
Country of Origin Korea

ISBN 9788953949454
Language Korean, English
N. of Pages 244쪽
Size/Weight 210 * 280 mm
Author/Editor 서울대학교 언어교육원
Publisher Two Ponds
Date of Publication 2013년 03월 01일
Country of Origin Korea
책 소개
한국어 성인 학습자를 위한 정규 과정용(약 200시간) 한국어 교재 시리즈 중 첫 번째 책이다. 이 책은 한국어에 대한 지식이 전혀 없는 성인 학습자들이 매우 친숙한 일상적 주제와 기능에 대한 언어 구성 능력과 사용 능력을 익혀서, 기초적인 한국어 의사소통 능력을 기르도록 하는 데 목적이 있다.
▶ 말하기 의사소통 능력 신장에 중점을 두되 구어 학습과 문어 학습이 초급 단계에서부터 긴밀하게 연계되도록 구성하였다.
▶ 실제적인 과제를 수행하는 과정에서 학습한 언어 지식을 충분히 활용하고 학습자 간 유의미한 상호작용이 활발하게 이루어지도록 구성하였다.
▶ 어휘 및 문법, 발음 학습이 체계적으로 이루어지도록 구성하였다.
▶ 문화 영역 학습이 수업에서 원활하게 이루어질 수 있도록 구성하였다.
▶ 멀티미디어 학습 자료를 함께 제공하여 수업용으로뿐만 아니라 자율 학습용으로도 사용하도록 하였다.
▶ 영어 번역을 병기하여 영어권 학습자의 빠른 의미 이해가 가능하도록 하였다.
▶ 사진, 삽화 등의 시각 자료를 풍부하게 제공하여 실제적이고 흥미 있는 학습이 가능하도록 하였다.
※ 기존 도서의 CD-ROM이 QR Code 자료 다운로드 방식으로 변경되었습니다.
a book introduction
This is the first book in a series of regular course (about 200 hours) Korean language textbooks for adult learners. This book aims to help adult learners who have no knowledge of Korean develop basic Korean communication skills by learning language compositional and writing skills on very familiar everyday topics and functions.
▶ While focusing on improving speaking communication skills, it is structured so that oral learning and octopus learning are closely linked from the beginner level.
▶ In the process of performing practical tasks, the language knowledge learned is fully utilized and meaningful interactions between learners are actively conducted.
▶ It is structured so that vocabulary, grammar, and pronunciation learning are systematically performed.
▶ It is structured so that learning in the cultural domain can be carried out smoothly in class.
▶ Multimedia learning materials were provided together to be used not only for class but also for self-learning.
▶ English translation was combined to enable English-speaking learners to quickly understand the meaning.
▶ Visual materials such as photos and illustrations were provided in abundance to enable practical and interesting learning.
※ The CD-ROM of the existing book has been changed to QR Code material download method.
une introduction au livre
Il s'agit du premier livre d'une série de cours réguliers (environ 200 heures) de langue coréenne à l'intention des apprenants adultes. Ce livre vise à aider les apprenants adultes qui n'ont aucune connaissance du coréen à développer leurs compétences de base en communication coréenne en apprenant la composition linguistique et en écrivant sur des sujets et des fonctions quotidiennes très familiers.
▶ Tout en mettant l'accent sur l'amélioration des compétences en communication orale, elle est structurée de façon à ce que l'apprentissage oral et l'apprentissage du poulpe soient étroitement liés à partir du niveau débutant.
▶ Dans l'accomplissement de tâches pratiques, les connaissances linguistiques acquises sont pleinement utilisées et des interactions significatives entre les apprenants sont activement menées.
▶ Elle est structurée de façon à ce que l'apprentissage du vocabulaire, de la grammaire et de la prononciation soit systématiquement effectué.
▶ Elle est structurée de façon à ce que l'apprentissage dans le domaine culturel puisse se faire sans heurts en classe.
▶ Le matériel multimédia d'apprentissage a été fourni ensemble pour être utilisé non seulement pour la classe mais aussi pour l'auto-apprentissage.
▶ La traduction anglaise a été combinée pour permettre aux apprenants anglophones d'en comprendre rapidement le sens.
▶ Des documents visuels tels que des photos et des illustrations ont été fournis en abondance pour permettre un apprentissage pratique et intéressant.
※ Le CD-ROM du livre existant a été remplacé par la méthode de téléchargement de matériel du Code QR.
일러 두기
교재 구성표
9과 이분은 누구세요?
10과 지금 몇 시에요?
11과 감기에 걸렸어요
12과 여보세요
13과 서울역으로 가 주세요
14과 이 옷을 입어 보세요
15과 여행을 가고 싶어요
16과 우리집에 올 수 있어요?
문법 해설
문화 해설
듣기 지문
모범 답안
어휘 색인
About the book
This is the first in a series of full-course (approximately 200 hours) Korean textbooks for adult learners of Korean. The purpose of this book is to help adult learners with no previous knowledge of the Korean language develop basic communicative competence in Korean by learning to construct and use language for very familiar everyday topics and functions.
The emphasis is on developing spoken communication skills, but the programme is structured so that oral and written language learning are closely linked from the very beginning.
The course is designed to fully utilise the language knowledge acquired in the process of performing practical tasks and to promote meaningful interaction between learners.
Vocabulary, grammar, and pronunciation are systematically taught.
The course is organised so that cultural learning can be seamlessly integrated into the classroom.
Multimedia learning materials are provided for both classroom and self-study use.
English translations are included to help English-speaking learners quickly understand the meaning.
The book is rich in visual materials such as photographs and illustrations to make learning practical and interesting.
The CD-ROM of the existing book has been changed to a QR Code material download method.
Table of Contents
Teaching Scheme
Lesson 9 Who is this?
Lesson 10 What time is it?
Lesson 11 I have a cold.
Lesson 12 Hello
Lesson 13 Please go to Seoul Station
14 and Try this outfit
I want to go on a trip with 15
Lesson 16 Can you come to my house?
Activity sheet
Grammar Commentary
Cultural commentary
Listening passage
Model Answers
Vocabulary Index