혹시 파란색 진돗개 보셨어요? Have You Seen a Blue Jindo Dog?
ISBN 9791191343205
Language Korean, English
N. of Pages 152쪽
Size/Weight 192 * 264 * 22 mm / 734 g
Author/Editor Talk To Me In Korean
Publisher 롱테일북스
Date of Publication 2021년 08월 02일
Country of Origin Korea
ISBN 9791191343205
Language Korean, English
N. of Pages 152쪽
Size/Weight 192 * 264 * 22 mm / 734 g
Author/Editor Talk To Me In Korean
Publisher 롱테일북스
Date of Publication 2021년 08월 02일
Country of Origin Korea
ISBN 9791191343205
Language Korean, English
N. of Pages 152쪽
Size/Weight 192 * 264 * 22 mm / 734 g
Author/Editor Talk To Me In Korean
Publisher 롱테일북스
Date of Publication 2021년 08월 02일
Country of Origin Korea
전 세계 학습자 800만 명 이상이 한국어 공부를 위해 가장 먼저 찾는 웹사이트 TalkToMeInKorean.com에서 직접 만든 이야기 책!
TalkToMeInKorean.com은 해외에서 먼저 인정받은 최고의 한국어 교육 웹사이트로 현재 전 세계 190개국의 800만 명의 학습자들이 Talk To Me In Korean에서 무료로 제공되는 강의를 통해 한국어, 그리고 더 나아가 한국에 대해 배우고 있습니다.
『Have You Seen a Blue Jindo Dog? (혹시 파란색 진돗개 보셨어요?)』는 TalkToMeInKorean 팀과 일러스트레이터 장성원 씨가 공동 창작한 한국어 학습자용 그림책입니다. 친구들을 구하러 떠나는 ‘진이 원정대’의 모험 이야기를 읽으며 자연스럽게 한국어를 학습할 수 있습니다.
TalkToMeInKorean.com has provided FREE Korean language learning content to 8 million learners around the globe since 2009, and with over 1,400 lessons published on the official website at TalkToMeInKorean.com, it has become the largest community in the world for Korean learners.
Have You Seen a Blue Jindo Dog? is designed specifically for Korean learners. This picture book was produced in collaboration between TalkToMeInKorean and illustrator Jang Sung-won - a.k.a. ‘Kanari Jones’. Friends must rescue Jin! It’s the ‘Jin Expedition’!
A self-made storybook from TalkToMeInKorean.com , the first website that more than 8 million learners around the world visit to study Korean!
TalkToMeInKorean.com is the best Korean language education website recognized first overseas, and now 8 million learners from 190 countries around the world are learning about the Korean language, and furthermore, Korea, through free lectures on Talk To Me In Korean. Have You Seen a Blue Jindo Dog? is a picture book for Korean learners co-created by the TalkToMeInKorean team and illustrator Jang Sung-won. You can learn Korean naturally by reading the adventure story of Jin Expedition, where you go to save your friends.TalkToMeInKorean.com has provided FREE Korean language learning content to 8 million learners around the globe since 2009, and with over 1,400 lessons published on the official website at TalkToMeInKorean.com, it has become the largest community in the world for Korean learners.Have You Seen a Blue Jindo Dog? is designed specifically for Korean learners. This picture book was produced in collaboration between TalkToMeInKorean and illustrator Jang Sung-won - a.k.a. ‘Kanari Jones’. Friends must rescue Jin! It’s the ‘Jin Expedition’!
Un livre d'histoires autodidacte de TalkToMeInKorean.com , le premier site web que plus de 8 millions d'apprenants du monde entier visitent pour étudier le coréen!
TalkToMeInKorean.com est le meilleur site d'enseignement de la langue coréenne reconnu pour la première fois outre-mer, et maintenant 8 millions d'apprenants de 190 pays dans le monde apprennent le coréen, et de plus, la Corée, grâce à des conférences gratuites sur Talk To Me In Korean. Ave You Seen a Blue Jodong Dog? est un livre d'images pour les apprenants coréens co-créé par l'équipe TalkToMeIn Korean et l'illustrateur Jang Sung-won. Vous pouvez apprendre le coréen naturellement en lisant l'histoire d'aventure de Jin Expedition, où vous allez pour sauver vos amis.TalkToMeInKorean.com offre un contenu gratuit d'apprentissage de la langue coréenne à 8 millions d'apprenants dans le monde depuis 2009 et avec plus de 1400 leçons publiées sur le site officiel de TalkToMeInKorean.com , elle est devenue la plus grande communauté au monde pour les apprenants coréens.Ave You Seen a Blue Jodong Dog? est conçu spécialement pour les apprenants coréens. Ce livre d'images a été réalisé en collaboration avec TalkToMeIn Coréen et l'illustrateur Jang Sung-won - alias 'Kanari Jones'. Les amis doivent sauver Jin ! C'est l'Expédition Jin !
Why We Created This Book
Who Co-wrote This Book
What Characters Are in the Story
Chapter 1 앵무 로봇 The Robot Parrots
Chapter 2 하얀 탑 The White Tower
Chapter 3 삽살이의 하얀 공 Sapsal's White Ball
Chapter 4 핑이의 우주선 Ping's Spaceship
Chapter 5 담비의 보물 창고 Dambi's Treasure Storage
Chapter 6 책 읽던 오리 The Duck Who Was Reading a Book
Chapter 7 진이 원정대 The Jin Expedition
Chapter 8 주머니에 깃털이 있는 옷을 입은 남자 The Man with a Feather in His Pocket